Monday, August 24, 2020
Mandatory Arrest for Domestic Violence Research Paper
Obligatory Arrest for Domestic Violence - Research Paper Example 644). Hoctor (p. 644) talks about that when officials react to aggressive behavior at home calls, they regularly wind up being arbiters in the debate. Such intervention can adopt on different strategies, including compromise endeavors by officials for the gatherings in question or the utilization of formal goals programs. Intervening the aggressive behavior at home didn't help with settling these issues; also, these episodes have regularly heightened to more occurrences of savagery and even passings. In addition, these episodes regularly upset the local harmony and savage flare-ups frequently wound up including different gatherings (like neighbors or onlookers endeavoring to separate the battle). As a result of the acceleration of these occurrences, just as the open unsettling influence that these episodes frequently caused, a few domains have executed obligatory captures for occurrences of aggressive behavior at home. ... It will talk about research proof in its application; and it will likewise introduce a basic conversation of the benefits and the negative marks of the program. The proposed approach depends on the rules set out by the Wisconsin Coalition against Domestic Violence. Regardless, the presume must be atleast 17 years old having a relationship with the casualty portrayed as: life partner, previous companion, grown-up with whom a kid was made, and grown-up with whom the suspect dwells or has once in the past lived with. The accompanying demonstrations are for the most part justification for obligatory capture: deliberate curse of physical torment, physical injury or ailment; purposeful hindrance of state of being; rape, physical act that may make an individual dread approaching commitment of the above demonstrations (Wisconsin Coalition Against Domestic Violence, p. 1). The capturing official may likewise discover sensible grounds to accept that the individual perpetrating the demonstratio n is or has carried out residential maltreatment; that the person’s activities establish a wrongdoing; the official accepts that proceeded with household misuse is likely; there is proof of physical injury on the person in question; and the suspect is the fundamental attacker (Wisconsin Coalition against Domestic Violence, p. 2). This required capture approach can likewise apply if the savagery is accounted for to the law authorization specialists inside 28 days from the time the maltreatment happened. In this strategy, the law requirement official must capture the suspect on the off chance that he has sensible grounds to accept that the suspect is perpetrating or has just carried out household misuse and his activities are viewed as wrongdoings (Wisconsin Coalition against Domestic Violence, p. 2). The dominating attacker for this situation is the first and the most
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Reading Assessment for Adult ELS Learners Essay
Perusing Assessment for Adult ELS Learners - Essay Example The motivations to search for solid proof on the side of instructional practices are to limit a portion of the negative outcomes of casual expert legend and be increasingly compelling in helping understudies create as perusers. This paper presents a union of research on the idea of perusing. In this manner, it proposes various manners by which our comprehension of perusing can be advanced and attempts to feature some significant approaches to test instructional practices and quest for increasingly powerful results. It has additionally analyzed special parts of handling for second language perusing. From this establishment of research, the paper at that point investigates issues that worry second language understanding evaluation. There is absence of understanding among the pro for meanings of perusing. Some of accessible definitions for perusing are advancement of set of propensities and dominance of mechanics, capacity to get reality from printed page and capacity to carry on the differed and complex procedures which we regularly partner with speculation (Traxler, 1944). Numerous authority incline toward last perspective on perusing since it covers not just testing of understanding propensities and aptitude in getting realities from printed matter yet additionally incorporates the examination of capacity to grasp a wide range of perusing material to shape decisions, to acknowledge abstract quality, to apply speculation and to perform different sort of mental movement normal for all fields (Traxler, 1944). Troubles of learning Getting educated about troubles for various for L2 understudies can help we all in deciphering understanding exploration and the numerous affirmations made about powerful understanding guidance, perceiving the specific requests of L2 perusing and researching relevant worries in our own study halls (Grabe and stoller, 2002). An examination was done of the degree of concession to the recognizable proof of chosen perusing sub abilities, connection between these sub aptitudes as far as saw trouble. A rundown of uniqueness gauges from inside day and over day lattices that outcome from cross approval by things in the whole example of 988 examinees is finished. It appears to be sensible to lean toward cross approval by things as it were. Testing variety in sets of things drawn from the eight populaces of cognizance abilities was of boss worry in this investigation (Davis, 1968). Various Skills considered were reviewing word implications (35), drawing deductions about the importance of a word from setting (- 1), discovering answers to questions addressed expressly or in rework (13), weaving together thoughts in the substance (5), drawing surmisings from the substance (23), perceiving an author's motivation, disposition, tone and state of mind (14), recognizing an essayist's methods (8) and following structure of entry (15). It was noticed that drawing derivations about the importance of a word from setting rates is marginally negative (- 1); apparently this is an opportunity deviation from a genuine rate near zero. The biggest rates of extraordinary change happen on account of memory for word implications (35). The information demonstrate that around 32 percent of the non-mistake change of this
Monday, July 20, 2020
Artist Resume Examples, Template and Resume Tips
Artist Resume Examples, Template and Resume Tips It is widely thought that being an artist isn’t very profitable nowadays as people associate them with street painters or contemporary artists that combine all previous art movements into one and many people don’t even consider it art.On the contrary, many talented artists today are looking for jobs in the branches of graphic design, photography, game development and so on, not because they know how to draw and paint, but because of their creativity and imagination.Being an artist today means that you can create art in all shapes and forms and you don’t need a canvas to do so, and that’s why it’s no surprise that so many young artists get hired by design, marketing, software, and even clothing companies need an artist to create and design all kinds of projects, images, templates and so on.Of course, as in any profession sometimes it is hard to find the perfect job, but if you know how to implement your talent and how to use your skills in a way which will not only benefit t he company but also create a living by using your creative side then you have nothing to worry about except how your resume will look like.So if you think you have what it takes to have a career being an animator, illustrator, graphic designer, and even an art teacher and you think you have the creative mind which can benefit any company, then stay tuned to see how to write the best resume for such positions.Graphic Designer Resume Example Right Technical Illustrator Resume Example Right Create your own resumeThese were two examples of how your resume should look like when youre applying for a job in the art industry and what typically employers pay attention to.Now we are going to go through each of the section, step by step to assure that you write the proper format of the resume and actually have a chance of getting the job.Feel free to use our resume templates as they will make it easy for you to add or change any section you want and they are pretty convenient for any job application.GUIDE ON WRITING THE PERSONAL INFO SECTIONBasically, every resume youre going to write should start the same and that is with your personal information.Of course, you shouldnt provide any information you dont feel comfortable sharing, but things like your full name, phone number and address shouldnt be something you would want to hide from your future boss.Information such as a photograph usually isn’t required but if it is then it will be specified by your employer before you se nd your resume.Some employers don’t even require you to share your address, but a phone number and e-mail is most certainly a must.Speaking of E-Mails, you shouldnt be using an E-Mail address which youve created when you were a kid, and we all had those embarrassing E-Mail addresses so dont act like you dont know what we are talking about.Instead, you should create a new E-Mail address just for work and it should sound professional, something in the ball-park WrongAs far as your full name is concerned, things are pretty straightforward. You should stay clear of nicknames, alias names, and pseudonyms and just use your real name.Bob Maguire RightBobby Maguire WrongAlso, when you’re listing your profession, you shouldn’t put a broad one like for example an artist, instead you should write your actual profession, maybe the subject you’ve graduated on or the topic of your master thesis.You can even write your pr evious job title if you’ve changed professions during your career, but surely you should write something which has ties to the job you’re applying for now.Animation illustrator RightArtist WrongLast thing, your social media, if you use any, is useful because sites such as LinkedIn can be used as your other resume where employers if they are interested in you, can find out more about you and your skillset, so it is a good idea to list that as well.But don’t forget to keep it professional and don’t complain about your new job on social media as your employers will surely keep track of you once you get the job.GUIDE ON WRITING THE SUMMARY SECTIONMoving on we have the Summary section which is basically a mini intro for your work experience, education, and skills.There are certain things which you need to pay attention in order to write the summary section correctly:Being precise â€" you shouldn’t write things in your summary which can’t be found in the rest of your resume meaning that your summary should match it exactly.High expectations â€" for the most part, your summary can sound great, but if you dont have the work experience and skill set to back it up, then its going to turn out being overestimated or even false.Boring â€" no one wants to read your summary and fall asleep because your employer will think that the rest of the resume is the same, so you need to find a way for the summary to sound exciting but also be honest about yourself.A great summary generally consists of two or three sentences describing your skillsets, experience and the place you graduated from and typically it should contain at least one reason why you are applying for this job. So a good summary should look something like this:SummaryA college-educated visual artist proficient in photography, drawing, and painting and I have started from an internship in few galleries to working for movie sets of companies such as Universal Orlando Resort to even Twentieth Century Fox. I am creative, hardworking and enjoy working with other talented individuals. RightSummaryGraduated from Columbus College of Art Design. Worked for Trigger Global, Inc. Great communication skills and creativity. WrongAs you can see, there is nothing worse than having a bland summary, because even if you are qualified for the job, just by reading your summary, no one will expect anything from you, so you have to spice it up a little.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EXPERIENCE SECTIONWriting the Experience section is maybe the most important thing on your resume mainly because it provides your employer with information valuable to his company.If youve been a good employee in most companies youve worked for and if you have the required skill set to contribute to the company youre applying then theres no reason why you shouldnt get the job.Also, you are providing your employer the information of for how long have you’ve been employed and unemployed which is, for some employers, valuable inform ation as they are not so willing to employ someone who doesn’t have at least 2 or 3 years of experience.Remember, you should always add 3 or 4 bullets about how you’ve contributed to the company and feel free to add some numbers and percentages to convince your employer that you’ve actually made an impact at your previous job position. Right WrongOne more thing, you should write just the jobs you’ve previously had which are worth mentioning and not the ones which have no connection to the profession you’re applying for so keep that in mind as no employer wants to know that you’ve worked at McDonald’s for a year before you were an industrial designer.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EDUCATION SECTIONIt is often believed that employers dont look at the Education section as much as they look at the Experience section but that is not true as every employer would rather hire a smart kid with good grades who is hardworking rather than someone who worked for Sony Pictures but didnt do anything special and just collected his paycheck.Dont get us wrong, ideally, you would have a great education and great work experience but most often thats not the case.Anyways, if you have a great education and if you know how to put that education right it can help you balance out your weak work experience and it will most certainly help you find a job if you’ve just started out searching for one.When writing the Education section you should highlight things such as:The college, academy or online course you’ve graduated from.GPA score if it is very high.Papers youve written, projects youve taken part in and seminars youve visited.Organizations and clubs you’ve joined.When it comes to being an artist everyone will agree that it takes some talent, but without some education, you won’t be able to express your talent in the best way possible and it will never get noticed.That is why many talented people, mainly artists, have perfected their artistic soul through college and academies and knowing this, surely your employer will be paying attention to where youve gone to art school.GUIDE ON WRITING THE SKILLS SECTIONFor an artist, the Skills section might be one of the more important sections of the resume because here you are welcome to list all the things you find yourself talented for.And because not all painters paint in the same style and not all designers design the models with the same tools, here you are free to use your creative mind and express your skills in whatever way you please.When it comes to listing your skill set as an artist who specifies in painting and drawing you can emphasize the style in which you create art whether it is using watercolor, oil paint, graphite, acrylic paint and so on.The same principle can be applied to professions such as a graphic designer or technical illustrator as they use different programs and software to create models and designs for their companies.And, because the art industry covers a lot of job positions, you will need to figure out what you should point out being your skillset in your branch of the profession.As long as you don’t list mediocre skills which everyone who finished art school has, you will do just fine, but if you’re still wondering how it all should turn out, you should write something in the line of:SkillsExcellent at programs such as Photoshop, 3D Studio Max and Zbrush.Great at designing shading, particle and background effects.Specialized in modeling and designing characters for games and commercials.Good at working in a group and also have great leadership skills as well.Great at organizing projects and managing time. RightSkillsGreat at drawing, painting, and sculpting.Can use MS Office kit.Great at communicating and working with other people. WrongSide note: Definitely don’t write things such as “great at cooking lasagna†or “great swimmer†except in the case of you applying to be a chef or a coast guard and even in that case you shouldn’t point out the obvious.USEFUL TIPS AND TRICKSLength of your resume â€" Some people think that they have so many things to list in their resume that they start to wonder if two pages are enough while others don’t even know if they can fill out one page. The truth is that one page is pretty much all you need and that you should try and fit everything on one page, if not then two pages are fine but three are definitely too much.Proofreading â€" You should send your resume to a proofreader because you never know if you’ve made a grammatical error which can seriously damage your credibility.Reviewing â€" You should also send your resume to someone who is already receiving countless resumes daily and who knows how an employer thinks because he can give you some tips on how to make your resume look more professional.Articulate â€" You need to be able to articulate the information you provide on your resume precisely so you don’t end up being interpreted the wrong way which can mean two things. One, don’t seem like you’re begging for the job, let your skills and experience speak for you, and two, don’t write information which doesn’t belong in your resume such as childhood stories and so on.Adapting your resume â€" Ideally, you should write a different resume every time you apply for a new job mainly because not all job po sitions require the same skills and the same work experience so you need to adjust those things accordingly.Bulleting â€" You should use bullet point as often as you can as they are great for skimming the resume and knowing that the employers often spend just 6 seconds on average looking at a resume you need to make sure that key words pop out at him.Highlighting â€" Highlighting can be used in combination with bullet points to emphasize keywords but try not to over-do it as it can seem like youre trying to impress your employer too much.Font â€" Stay clear of handwritten styled fonts such as Segoe Print or MV Boli, and definitely don’t use Comic Sans, instead you should use fonts like Cambria, Calibri, Times New Roman, Helvetica and so on.Formatting â€" Please have a copy of your resume both in physical and digital form and always use different formats such as PDF and TXT because you never know if your employer will need both of them.E-Mail â€" Checking your E-Mail is a must when applying for a job because nowadays its highly unlikely that youll get a phone call directly from your boss asking you if you can come into work tomorrow because youre hired. So by checking your E-Mail you will be sure not to miss out on their reply.Resume template â€" By using one of our resume templates you will surely find just the right one for your profession and you’ll surely have an easy time adding the sections you need which will save you a lot of your precious time.CONCLUSIONThat’s pretty much it when it comes to writing your resume as an artist and if you follow these steps you have a high chance of getting the job position you’re applying for.Remember how to list your skillset properly and what you should point out in that section, what to emphasize in your Education section and how to properly write down your work experience and the contribution you’ve made in the places you’ve worked in.If you’re still unsure on how to write the perfect resume and are conc erned about its layout than don’t waste time and go check out our resume template builder and start writing your resume by implementing all that we’ve talked here about today.Good luck with finding your dream job! Create your own resume
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Argumentative Essay on Retirement Age
Retirement Age: When? The situation concerning the retirement age is very different in different parts of the world. Some people at the age of 70 or 80 are still in working process, they are taking care of their families, countries and business companies. The situation with the other people is different. They are fit and have good health but, in accordance with the national law regulations they have to retire much earlier. Below I’d like to discuss the dilemma concerning whether people have to have the right to work as many years as they want OR they should be retired at the fixed age. First of all we will talk about those people who would like to work as long as they need. There are actually several forcible arguments which to satisfy their needs. To begin with, it is necessary to say that there are older employers who possess profound knowledge and rich experience which is precious for the business process and it will be a huge loss if such people will be forced to retire. The other good point if that the older employers are more loyal and they have more willing to put company policies into practice in contrast to the younger employers. One of the most important things about the retirement of older people is the way our society treats them. The thing is that once you made someone to retire at the age of 60 or 65, it means you do not value the contribution of these people into the life of the society. However, to allow people to work as long as they need is not always that good. Age cannot guarantee good abilities. For example, some younger employers may have much more experience and cleverness than the older people who have spent almost the whole their life working in one and the same are. The other point is that many people having an opportunity to work as long as they are willing to will continue to work because they simply didn’t plan anything else for their life. Thus, company won’t be provided with new ideas that young employers can offer. One more point lies in the fact that older people need to be provided with the guarantee of generous pensions in order to have an opportunity to enjoy the freedom they got. Nowadays there is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
An Argument for Morality a Critique Free Essays
A New Argument for Morality: A Critique The Prince, one of the first works of modern philosophy, was written in the genre of political doctrine: the Mirror of Princes. This style was reflected in the works of many writers of antiquity, such as Seneca and Isocrates, extending as far back as to the apices of traditional Western culture and civilization in Rome and Greece. As The Prince derives its thought from classical roots of political thought, its originality is questionable. We will write a custom essay sample on An Argument for Morality: a Critique or any similar topic only for you Order Now The third chapter of The Prince was the foundation of Rafael Major’s argument in A New Argument for Morality as it is â€Å"a kind of intellectual cornerstone for all modern political thought. †It must be analyzed in an attempt to evaluate the moral teaching of the entire book. It remains one of the only places in the book to describe the actions of the prince to be limited and guided by natural necessities and desires. Through the observance of this chapter, Machiavelli must be compared to the writers of antiquity to heighten awareness of his lack of originality. We are forced to re-examine both the â€Å"realism†exuded in The Prince and the â€Å"idealism†Machiavelli so opposed in the ancients as he himself claimed that they also taught many of the same lessons found in his book. Also read this Critique of Stuff Is Not Salvation Through such examinations, we must ultimately judge the character of Machiavelli’s pursuit to expose the â€Å"harshest truths of political life. †However, one must begin by revisiting the actual thoughts of antiquity, its neglected realism, and supposed â€Å"idealism. †Major accomplishes this by composing a parody of The Prince by concatenating many sources of ancient texts regarding political philosophy into a work closely resembling the teachings in The Prince. For instance, in Plutarch’s history of Crassus it is written: â€Å"We should not worry too much about being feared because many have been feared and popular-but being feared is more powerful even when not popular,†which bears a resemblance to Machiavelli’s claim that â€Å"one should like to be both [loved] and [feared], but as it is difficult to bring them together, it is much safer to be feared than to be loved if one of the two has to be lacking. †As such an example of a passage from one of the ancient authors indicates, many of them were completely aware of the realism associated with political life. Thus, Major concludes that Machiavelli’s assessment of human nature does not suggest original thought and that Machiavelli possessed no more realism than any other classicist author. From the suitable extrapolations from ancient works of literature in Major’s parody, one can well be convinced of his reasonable claims. His examples are varied and many; they are not solely the works of a few authors. Whereas Machiavelli was too selective in the historic examples that he employed, Major has implemented as many as would make one think that he was not being selective. The crux of Major’s evaluation of the moral teaching of The Prince rests in the third chapter. In order to benefit from Machiavelli’s â€Å"moral suasion†it is imperative that one understands this chapter, which begins with the assertion of â€Å"two fundamental truths or natural conditions of political life in newly acquired characteristics. †The first natural difficulty is that in every principality, there are citizens who would willingly take arms up against their prince in the belief that they would fare better with a new prince. Machiavelli suggests that being cruel is a â€Å"natural†necessity in order to maintain the stability of a state. Major contradicts this assertion through a magnification of the first passage of chapter three. The obscurity of Machiavelli’s language makes it â€Å"impossible to discern that the second natural and ordinary necessity has even been specified,†as â€Å"the reader is only told that the second necessity of political life ‘requires that one must always offend those over whom he becomes a new prince. †The rest of the chapter, however, seems to indicate that the second natural and ordinary necessity must be similar to self-defence. The threat of inevitable foreign invasion establishes the necessity of preservation of one’s state by â€Å"necessary immorality. †Chapter three also introduces a change in perspective from an individual prince to the Romans. Machiavelli exemplifies the Romans as the standard for a wise prince, who ought to anticipate all present and future troubles; this is his foundation for all wise judgement. However, the Romans also had to anticipate foreign threats; thus all cruelty is excusable under the necessity of protecting themselves. Self-defence from an invasion is both a response to classical and Christian moral thinking, according to Major. It can become a â€Å"limitless licence of action,†though only prudence and vigilance offer true protection from the â€Å"natural difficulties of political life. †At the heart of Machiavelli’s political philosophy is the solution to such difficulties of political life: moral eaching. But the writers of antiquity, though they were realistic, envisioned an order of morality, that, according to Major, offers hope that a non-Machiavellian approach to politics exists. Rafael Major was effective in proving his thesis. Every one of his claims had textual evidence, specifically from The Prince, as support. The selection of textual support was indeed diverse; one would not be able to accuse such a varied source of texts as be ing selective. His argument was uniform and consi tent. Thus, I am convinced of the justice of his assertions. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Rafael Major, â€Å"A New Argument for Morality: Machiavelli and the Ancients,†53. [ 2 ]. Major, 52. [ 3 ]. Major, 54. [ 4 ]. Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, in The Prince and Other Writings, trans. Wayne A. Rebhorn (New York: Barnes and Noble Classics, 2003), 71. [ 5 ]. Major, 55. [ 6 ]. Major, 57. [ 7 ]. Machiavelli, 10. [ 8 ]. Major, 57. [ 9 ]. Ibid. 58. [ 10 ]. Ibid. 58. How to cite An Argument for Morality: a Critique, Essays
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The Crucible Theme Essay Research Paper Pandemonium free essay sample
The Crucible Theme Essay, Research Paper Chaos runs rampant, and suppressed kids shout out enchantress. Scenes such as these from Arthur Miller s play The Crucible, provides a fictional word picture of the ill-famed 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, enchantress tests. During the drama, the full community suffers from the mass craze that starts with a few immature misss dancing in the forests. When the misss are inflicted with unnatural unwellnesss and jobs, the community assumes that witchery is involved. After many accusals, tests, and executings, the community s crazes eventually ends. Certain characters fight their ain internal conflicts against the background of an full community in chaos. Miller uses three characters who clearly manifest this internal conflict. First, Mary Warren s whole personality turns upside down when she is lacerate between stating the truth and lasting the tests. John Proctor is the following who is forced to contemplate a pick between the importance of his household and his ain name. We will write a custom essay sample on The Crucible Theme Essay Research Paper Pandemonium or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The 3rd, Reverend Hale, battles with himself about whether or non to transport out his occupation demands or to make what he knows is right. All three characters face hard picks that are eating off at each one s scruples. Should they make what they believe is right, or what will assist them last the enchantress tests? Each character and state of affairs is alone, get downing with Mary Warren. Inner convulsion plagues a miss named Mary Warren, house retainer to the Proctors, throughout the drama. When Mary foremost appears in the beginning of the craze, the reader perceives her to be a really diffident miss who will neer talk her head. She is afraid to stand up to Abigail and state the truth about what truly happens in the forests the dark Reverend Parris catches them dancing. What happens in the forests is more than merely dancing, though. Abigail makes life menaces against all the misss involved in the dance, frightening Mary Warren. This submissive feature besides shows itself when John Proctor comes to Reverend Parris s house to state Mary to travel place and have no portion in all this bunk. As before, she is afraid to talk her head to John Proctor and responds to his orders with I m merely traveling place ( 21 ) , connoting to the reader that she is making what he wishes because she is afraid to talk her head. As the drama continues and as Abigail influences her, Mar y begins to interrupt this self-restricting cast and does what she wants in respect to the Proctors and herself. Mary Warren, along with many other misss, becomes enthralled in the ballyhoo of acquiring all the attending from the community and exerting power through initiating and stubbornly go oning these enchantress tests. When John Proctor eventually shows that when people like Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor, who are the saintliest of people, stand accused of practising witchery that something must be incorrect, it affects Mary s function. When John inquiries Mary after her twenty-four hours as an functionary of the tribunal, she tells him she [ Goody Osborne ] tried to kill me many times ( 57 ) . After stating this, Mary so realizes that her whole mentality on life bases on unfairness and faces a hard determination. This proves true when she begins sobbing and calls out in guilt, Goody Osburn- will hang! ( 56 ) . Reluctantly, she must make up ones mind how she can untangle herself from Abigail and all her friends, non to advert her new feelings of assurance. Mary decides to talk out against Abigail and the others for their false accusals after John Proctor threatens her. Yet, as Mary does this heroic act of get the better ofing her old world, Abigail pretends that Mary is besides a enchantress, ironically utilizing the same cramp of tantrums that Mary uses during the tests to convict so many others ( 108 ) . Mary now faces yet another grueling internal struggle. Should she make what she knows is right and likely dice for it or return to her old ways? Mary eventually succumbs to Abigail s hypnosis and accuses John Proctor of coercing her to lie. Clearly, the conflict that Mary Warren faces from the really beginning is tremendous. She must cover with the determination of life and decease. She has the pick to state the truth and dice, or to lie and populate. This determination is similar to the agonizing internal struggle that John Proctor suffers throughout the drama. John Proctor, like Mary Warren, besides faces interior convulsion. A husbandman and small town common man in Salem, John commits criminal conversation with Abigail and has perfectly no purposes of fall ining the enchantress test unless his pregnant married woman should besides go involved. This involuntariness in John to fall in the tribunal proceedings shows when his married woman attempts to convert him to travel to the tribunal and allow them cognize Abigail is a fraud. He loftily tells her, I ll think on it ( 53 ) . After his married woman becomes involved, John can non accept the fact that she may decease for his wickedness of criminal conversation so that Abigail may be pacified. John is an unsloped and dignified adult male and because of these features, he believes at foremost he can non hang and decease a sufferer for his God when he has this wickedness of criminal conversation looming over him every waking minute. John subsequently says to Elizabeth when they discuss what he is traveling to make about the accusals made against him that, My honestness is broke, Elizabeth ; I am no good adult male. Nothing s spoiled by giving them this prevarication that were non rotten long earlier ( 136 ) . John eventually reaches the critical determination to squeal to hex trade and unrecorded, instead than decease for something he has non done. Even though, John confesses, he does non let Danforth to officially document it. When Danforth asks him why, John calls, Because it is my name! Because I can non hold another in my life How may I live without my name? I have given you my psyche ; go forth me my name! ( 143 ) . John feels strongly about holding a good name and non deceasing with a dirty name. John weighs both sides of his internal struggle and realizes that he must non do another error. He, hence, sentences himself to decease, non for his ain interest, but instead for the interest of others. As John dies, Elizabeth weeps stating, He hold his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him! ( 145 ) . When Elizabeth says this, it proves that John is a dignified and unsloped adult male who tries to happen a manner to get away his wickedness of criminal conversation which causes him internal struggle. The grounds shows that throughout the drama John still feels guilty about Abigail and feels responsible for his married woman s strong belief of being a enchantress. By leting himself to hang without confession, he allows himself to derive peace by go forthing his household with a good name. Almost everyone in the community feels some type of duty that connects to the strong belief of some of the occupants of Salem. This internal struggle is apparent in Reverend Hale whose probe causes these jobs to leap from merely dancing in the forests to witchcraft. At first, Reverend Hale is certain about his belief that there are enchantresss in Salem and feels that he needs to transport out the desires of God himself. Yet, as the drama moves on and Hale sees all these honest and up-standing people being sentenced and executed, he besides feels an interior struggle. He contemplates whether to make what he is sent to make, listen to Danforth, or listen to his ain scruples and denounce these proceedings as unfair and incorrect. Hale decides to help all the people wrongly accused by promoting them to squeal and salvage themselves from these false proceedings. Hale, trying to atone his ain wickednesss by seeking to do people confess provinces, I come to make the Satan s work. I come to advocate Christians they should contradict themselves can you non see the blood on my caput! ! ( 131 ) . This shows that he is experiencing the effects of his interior struggle because he is seeking to decrease the feelings of guilt he is sing. Hale overcomes his convulsion by following the truth he knows in his bosom to be right. Yet, he is reding people to predominate upon your hubby to squeal ( 132 ) and says, God damns a prevaricator less than he that throws his life off for pride ( 132 ) . He besides convinces people to lie, which is against his faith and considered a moral wickedness. However, he decides that earthly life is a greater gift than ageless life. Reverend Hale faces with many hard determinations. The determinations of Reverend Hale are similar to many people s determinations. Everybody throughout his life may confront interior struggles. Although the interior struggles of today are nil like what Mary Warren, John Proctor, and Reverend Hale face during this drama, they are forced to do a determination based on what they think is right and true. Should they allow guiltless people die to salvage themselves, or should they let their ain persecution by denouncing the proceedings and perchance hold a opportunity of salvaging some of the inexperienced person, is the inquiry they must inquire themselves. These three characters likely face the most hard determination they have of all time made in their lives. They must weigh their picks carefully and make up ones mind where they stand. Deciding where they stand is non as easy of a undertaking, as it may look. Mary Warren who feels burdened with this truth and cognition but is scared of what might go on if she speaks. Ultimately, she comes to the determination to take life with convulsion over decease. This is besides seen in John Proctor who is forced to take between his good name that accompanies decease or a life with sorrow and convulsion. He decides that he would instead decease a immature adult male with a good name than an old adult male with a dirty name. Similarly, Reverend Hale must do a determination between interior life convulsion with the alleviation of assisting some inexperienced person or the pick of decease knowing that he has aided this craze in forming. He, like John Proctor, besides chooses the alleviation from his interior struggle, although his is the easier self-relief of the two, since he must merely advocate Christians while John will hang. Whether right or incorrect in his determination, each character carefully weighs his pick and goes with what he thinks is the right determination within his life and must populate and decease by that determination, deciding whether good or bad, the struggle.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
To Investigate the Heating Effect of an Electric Current Essays
To Investigate the Heating Effect of an Electric Current Essays To Investigate the Heating Effect of an Electric Current Essay To Investigate the Heating Effect of an Electric Current Essay Essay Topic: Current Conduction is best in solids and considerably weaker in liquids and gases. This transfer relies on the movement of atoms and molecules. For example, if a part of a material is hotter than another part, then the hotter part has more energy than the surrounding parts. Whenever you heat any substance there is an increased amount of motion from atoms and molecules. When you heat a gas, for example, the speed at which the atoms and molecules move around increases but when you heat a solid or even a liquid the atoms and molecules vibrate more. The atoms and molecules in the substance are therefore responsible for conduction. In a gas and liquid, conduction is poor because the atoms and molecules are further apart than in a solid where they are closely held with strong bonds. Metals such as silver, copper and aluminium are good conductors.Convection takes place only in fluids (liquids and gases). Convection currents are examples of floating and sinking. When a part o f a fluid is heated and made warmer the molecules expand and rise because they are less dense than the cold parts of the fluid where the molecules sink downwards because they are more dense.All objects give out some thermal radiation. The higher the temperature of any object the more energy it radiates per second. The thermal radiation is most of the time given out as infrared waves (invisible) but very hot objects give out light waves (visible). A matt black surface is the best emitter and absorber of heat energy but is the worst reflector. A white or silver surface is a poor emitter and absorber but a very good reflector.Evaporation is the process where particles from a liquid form a vapour when the temperature of the liquid is below its boiling point. Evaporation can only take place from the surface of a liquid. This is because here the molecules have enough energy to evaporate, as there are less attractive forces from neighbouring molecules preventing it.Factors that May Affect the Heating Effect2 The voltage of the power supply could be measured using a voltmeter and a varying nominal voltage on the power supply. Though an increase in voltage would result in an increase of the current in the circuit, therefore it is not an independent variable.3 The starting temperature of the water and room must be kept constant for a fair experiment. To keep the water at the start the same temperature we should replace the water every time we finish a list of readings. Some parts of the room may be at different temperature than others and so it is difficult to keep the room temperature constant.4 The material of the beaker or cup will be an important factor as different materials are good at conducting and radiating heat energy. For example, a polystyrene cup would reduce heat loss as it acts as insulator.5 The mass therefore the volume of the water is important because different amounts of water will take different lengths of time to be heated and so we must keep the m ass or volume of the water the same throughout every experiment.6 The depth that the heating element is submerged in the water should be the same every time and have the same position e.g. the center for each experiment.7 External air pressure would vary but in this experiment an airtight room is not available to use.8 The internal resistance of the heating element as the greater the resistance the slower the rise in temperature of the water but resistance will be affected by both the current and the voltage.For my experiment, I have chosen to vary the current while keeping the all the other factors constant. It is important that the other factors are kept constant for a fair test and to show that a change in current will actually affect the rise in temperature of the water.MethodApparatusA few electrical wiresSome aluminium foil1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Beaker1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Heating Element1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Thermometer2à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Clamps1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Glass rod1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Voltmeter1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½Amm eter1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Variable Resistor1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Battery Pack1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Stopwatch1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ Retort Stand1à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ BalanceDiagramIn this experiment we are measuring the rise in temperature over a fixed amount of time, which here is 5 minutes. The heating element should be connected in series to a DC battery pack using 12V, an ammeter and a variable resistor in series with a voltmeter parallel to the heating element. The heating element would then be submerged into the beaker, at the same depth every time, that is covered inside and outside with aluminium foil. Aluminium is a good conductor and therefore is a better one than glass, which is a poor conductor. Aluminium foiled is used to reduce the heat loss because when the beaker is covered there remains a small gap of air between it and the aluminium foil. We know from theory that air is a very poor conductor therefore we are reducing the heat loss, which is what we want. The beaker should contain 200cm3 of water with a mas s of 202g. Both the glass rod and thermometer should then be placed into the beaker. The glass rod is used to stir the water so that it is uniformly heated and the thermometer is needed to record the temperature of the water.For the first experiment, the current should be 0.5A having set this current using the variable resistor we should place the heating element into the water and start the stopwatch. Then record the temperature every 30 seconds using the stopwatch. When it has been 5 minutes the battery back should be switched off and the heating element removed from the water. Now we have completed the first experiment using 0.5A. Before changing the current to 1A we should first let the heating element cool down for a few minutes so it can be acclimatised to the temperature it was used for 1A. Secondly the water should be replaced with the same type of water used, e.g. tap water and then the mass should be the same also. We need to replace the water because if we dont then the h eat losses are not going to be the same every time. The beaker would therefore be emptied and then should be washed out and allowed to cool before the next experiment. The current then should be set to 1A and the temperature recorded for the next 5 minutes. These steps should be repeated up to 5A and 5 minutes for each of the current readings.Safety PrecautionsIt is necessary to wear safety goggles to protect the eyes even though the temperature of the water will not be high enough for it to boil. The apparatus should not be placed at the end of the bench and all water should be handled carefully without spilling any on the electrical equipment and wires being used. When moving or dealing with the hot heating element after each experiment, it should consider that you hold it from the rubber end where it is not hot.PredictionI predict that as the current increases the heating effect of the heating element will increase therefore the water will rise to a higher temperature in a shorte r space of time. I predict this because if there is a higher current passing through the heating element then it will heat up the water even more. If this happens then there is a larger transfer of electrical energy to heat energy taking place. This can be proven by this equation:That can be made simpler into:If we can find out how much energy the heating element gives out into the water then we are also able to find out how much heat energy is absorbed by the water using this formulae:The specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kg/?C (Complete Physics; Stephen Pople).Bibliography1 My own knowledge2 Physics Classbook; Graham Booth3 Complete Physics; Stephen PopleTo Investigate the Heating Effect of an Electric CurrentCollection of DataTemperature ?CTime (s)03060901201501802102402703000.519191919202020202020211.019191919202020212121221.519191920202121212122232.019202020212122232323242.519202020212121222323253.019202021222223242525263.519202121222324242526264.01920212223242425262728 4.519212122232425262728295.01921222324252628293032To Investigate the Heating Effect of an Electric Current1 As I predicted the change in temperature increased as the current increased therefore the water was getting hotter quicker as the current got higher.In order to show a pattern or trend from my results, I need to be able to plot a graph therefore I have made this table using my Collection of Data in the Obtaining Evidence section.I/AI2/A2?Q/à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C0.50.2521.01.0031.52.2542.04.0052.56.2563.09.0073.512.2574.016.0094.520.25105.025.00
Monday, March 2, 2020
Fun Facts About the Channel Tunnel
Fun Facts About the Channel Tunnel The Channel Tunnel is an underwater rail tunnel that runs beneath the English Channel, connecting Folkestone, Kent in the United Kingdom to Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais in France. It is more colloquially known as the Chunnel. The Channel Tunnel officially opened on May 6, 1994. An engineering feat, the Channel Tunnel is an impressive piece of infrastructure. Over 13,000 skilled and unskilled workers were hired to build the Channel Tunnel. Do you know how much a ticket through the tunnel costs? How long are the tunnels? And what does rabies have to do with the history of the Channel Tunnel? Learn how to answer these questions with this list of interesting and fun facts about the tunnel. How Many Tunnels The Channel Tunnel consists of three tunnels: two running tunnels carry the trains and a smaller, middle tunnel is used as a service tunnel. Cost of Fare The cost of tickets to use the Channel Tunnel varies depending on what time of day you go, the day and the size of your vehicle. In 2010, prices for a standard car ranged from  £49 to  £75 (about $78 to $120). You can book travel online. Channel Tunnel Dimensions The Channel Tunnel is 31.35 miles long, with 24 of those miles located under water. However, since there are three tunnels that travel from Great Britain to France, with many small tunnels that connect the three main ones, the total tunnel length is about 95 miles worth of tunnel. It takes a total of 35 minutes to travel across the Channel Tunnel, from terminal to terminal. The running tunnels, the two tunnels on which the trains run, are 24-feet in diameter. The northern running tunnel carries passengers from England to France. The southern running tunnel carries passengers from France to England. Cost of Construction Although at first estimated at $3.6 billion, the Channel Tunnel project came in way over budget at over $15 billion when finished. Rabies One of the biggest fears about the Channel Tunnel was the potential spread of rabies. In addition to worrying about invasions from the European mainland, the British were worried about rabies. Since Great Britain had been rabies-free since 1902, they worried that infected animals could come through the tunnel and reintroduce the disease to the island. A lot of design elements were added to the Channel Tunnel to make sure this could not happen. The Drills Each TBM, or tunnel boring machine, used during construction of the Channel Tunnel was 750 feet long and weighed over 15,000 tons. They could cut through the chalk at a rate of about 15 feet per hour. In total, 11 TBMs were needed to build the Channel Tunnel. The Spoil Spoil was the name used for the chunks of chalk removed by the TBMs while digging the Channel Tunnel. Since millions of cubic feet of chalk would be removed during the project, a place had to be found to deposit all this debris. The British Solution to Spoil After much discussion, the British decided to dump their portion of the spoil into the sea. However, so as not to pollute the English Channel with chalk sediment, a gigantic sea wall made of sheet metal and concrete had to be built to keep the chalk debris contained. Since the chunks of chalk were piled higher than sea level, the resulting land that was created totaled about 73 acres and was eventually called Samphire Hoe. Samphire Hoe was seeded with wildflowers and is now a recreation site. The French Solution to Spoil Unlike the British who were concerned about ruining the nearby Shakespeare Cliff, the French were able to take their portion of the spoil and dump it nearby, creating a new hill that was later landscaped. Fire On November 18, 1996, many peoples fears about the Channel Tunnel came truea fire raged in one of the Channel Tunnels. As a train raced through the southern tunnel, a fire had started on board. The train was forced to stop in the middle of the tunnel, not close to either Britain or France. Smoke filled the corridor and many of the passengers were overwhelmed by the smoke. After 20 minutes, all the passengers were rescued, but the fire continued to rage. The fire managed to do considerable damage to both the train and the tunnel before it was put out. Illegal Immigrants The British were afraid of both invasions and of rabies, but no one had considered that thousands of illegal immigrants would try to use the Channel Tunnel to enter into the United Kingdom. Many additional security devices have had to be installed to try to inhibit and stop this large influx of illegal immigrants.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Eliminating Preventable Morbidity and Escapable Mortality Essay
Eliminating Preventable Morbidity and Escapable Mortality - Essay Example This paper declares that morbidity and mortality have increased as world societies increasingly get sophisticated. Governments and non-state actors have attempted various strategies that are meant to address the question. Some of the strategies have produced remarkable outcomes while others appear less sustainable. Generally, the development of sound strategies for addressing this challenge has involved structural changes, training, empowering of the vulnerable groups, insurance, technological advancement, and a range of other strategies that are meant to shield populations from the causative factors of mortality and morbidity. This essay makes a conclusion that the challenge that faces the chosen approaches often involve the lack of sustainable mechanisms that can be relied upon to manage the processes of treatment and dispensing other services and strategies that are meant to protect the populations of the world. The different strategies and players should coordinate their services in ways that would ensure some form of balance and effectiveness in the services. Vulnerable groups should be identified in accordance with the demographics of place, gender, socio-economic status and other factors. Equally, some of the most common diseases and conditions should be identified in order to make it possible for the right intervention measures to be used. Essentially, the long terms strategy should be the reversing of trends and influences.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Values and Meaning of Attending College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Values and Meaning of Attending College - Essay Example In contrast to an individualist purpose for attending college, Boyer believes the college has an obligation to teach â€Å"a more coherent view of knowledge and a more integrated life†(Steltenpohl & J. Shipton, 1995, p. 18). In addition, he warns that we must be â€Å"mindful of the consequences of selfishness†(p. 18). Boyer does not provide a defense of individualism, even though he says it is â€Å"necessary†(p. 18). Instead, Boyer relies only on his defense of community in making his case for two essential goals. The problem is that Boyer does not actually believe in individualism when he claims colleges have an obligation (or duty) to enforce this idea of a more â€Å"coherent†or â€Å"integrated†life. A perspective that believes in individuals to develop their own views on knowledge or life would advocate for an obligation or duty for colleges to present knowledge to students and to allow them to form their own judgments. The purpose, or g oal, of college is not to give students a passage, but rather to present facts and objective information. A â€Å"passage†sounds inherently biased toward whatever values the college seeks to supply their students with. While this kind of educationâ€â€such as that provided by Christian private collegesâ€â€has a demand, but that demand is specific and does not represent the general purpose of college. Indeed, having students personally powered and committed to the common good is potentially valuable, but not if that commitment undermines their autonomy. The result of Boyer’s perspective is clearly laid out by Perkinson in his essay â€Å"The Educated Person: A Changing Ideal,†specifically in his treatment of John Dewey and socialization (Steltenpohl & J. Shipton, 1995, p. 36). Dewey and pragmatist philosophers advocated schools as tools for producing intelligent decision-makers in a participant democracy. In reality, what this meant was that loyal citize ns coming out of public schools were not â€Å"leaders, but functionaries†(p. 36). Everyone coming out of schools was equipped with common values, beliefs, and attitudes serving the American status quo. Economically, every child was prepared to accept his or her role as a cog in a production system. This is the logical result of the kind of solution that Boyer seeks by telling colleges that they have an obligation to teach their students how to be members of a community. However, Boyer and Dewey have been influential enough to change American education at their core. One can see this influence even in our Brandman catalog, which withholds degrees from students who have not completed the sometimes-irrelevant education requirements. The opposite perspectiveâ€â€that we ought to be honoring the role of the individual in educationâ€â€is borne out by Whitehead in â€Å"Universities and their Function†(Steltenpohl & J. Shipton, 1995, p. 38). Whitehead locates the â €Å"proper function of a university†in â€Å"the imaginative acquisition of knowledge†(p. 39). Imagination is an individual ability and does not depend on a community. When one looks around a college classroom, one does not see a group of people engaged in the attempt to better their community through the process of learning. While Boyer would think this is a problem, Whitehead is more concerned with whether individuals are involved in an imaginative acquisition of knowledge. The imaginative pursuit of knowledge, one would suspect, might lead to an individual developing his own
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Thrust Vectoring :: War Technology Technological Essays
Thrust Vectoring Imagine two US Air Force Jets with controls not responding, they are heading right for each other, the pilots don’t have enough time to eject, there’s a mid-air explosion, and the needless death of American servicemen. About one fifth of peacetime fighter losses during the past few years were due to loss of control. Now imagine that the US has been developing the technology to prevent this for the last decade, but due to budget problems this technology was never installed on our fighters. I’m talking about a Thrust Vectoring. This engineering term describes the use of an engines nozzle to direct the force coming from a jet engine in different directions other then straight out the back. Besides tragic, needless deaths, this technology has a military significance for front line fighter jets. With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Americans have seen the devastating power of our Air Force on Countries without a serious Air Defense network, like Is rael or Great Britain. These are countries with not just a Surface to Air Missile (SAM) threat, but an Air Force that can rival ours in its current state. Thrust Vectoring is the technology that will make our fighter jets true rulers of the air, not just on bombing runs, but air-to-air combat, better know as â€Å"Dog Fighting†. Thrust Vectoring was first used in a trivial form on Nazi Germany’s V-2 rockets. These rockets were devastating to the Allies in WWII with their accuracy due to graphite control vanes that helped the guidance of the missile. Modern rockets, both SAMs and Air-to-Air missiles have been using thrust vectoring to increase their agility in flight, and hence make them more lethal. During the Cold War German military planers recognized the shear numbers of Soviet fighters, and believing that any war would include intense Dog Fighting, began to look for ways to even the odds. Wolfgang Herbst with the Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm, now Deutsche Aerospace, Company led a team in Post-Stall engineering. Post-Stall describes a flight condition in which normal flight controls, like flaps, are no longer sufficient to maintain the flight ability of the aircraft. His team investigated new flight laws to describe the movement of an aircraft in Post-Stall flying conditions.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Literary Devices Used in Macbe Essay
Imagine how dull a Shakespearean play would be without the ingenious literary devices and techniques that contribute so much to the fulfillment of its reader or viewer. Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy that combines fact and legend to tell the story of an eleventh century king. Shakespeare uses numerous types of literary techniques to make this tragic play more appealing. Three literary devices that Shakespeare uses to make Macbeth more interesting and effective are irony, symbolism, and imagery. One technique that Shakespeare uses is irony. Verbal irony is when a character says one thing but means the opposite. When a reader understands the irony of what a character is saying, then he can truly understand the nature and intentions of the character. An example of verbal irony is when Macbeth says to Banquo, â€Å"Tonight we hold a solemn supper, sir,/ And I’ll request your presence†(Macbeth 3. 1. 13-14). The reader soon discovers that Banquo never makes it to the banquet because he is brutally murdered by order of Macbeth. Shakespeare also uses situation irony. This occurs when the results of an action or event are different than what is expected. An example of situation irony occurs when Macduff talks to Malcolm and discusses the tragedies that are taking place in Scotland. Without knowing that his own family has been slain Macduff says, †Each new morn/ New widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows/ Strike heaven on the face†(4. 3. 4-6). Ironically, Macduff comments about widows, while he is completely unaware that he is a widower himself. Irony, a key element to a tragic play like Macbeth, has the ability to make the tragic hero appear more villainous or the down-fall seem even more tragic. The second type of literary device that Shakespeare uses in Macbeth is symbolism. The predominant symbol is blood and is used as an effective method to describe the theme of the play. Not only does blood symbolize bravery, it is also a means of showing treachery and treason and probably most importantly, guilt. One example of bravery occurs when the captain says, â€Å"For brave Macbeth? well he deserves that name–/Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel,/Which smoked with bloody execution†(1. 2. 16-18). Soon after this blood changes into a representation of treachery and treason. Lady Macbeth asks the spirits to â€Å"Make thick my blood,/ Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse†(1. 5. 43-44). She asks the spirits to take away compassion and make her remorseless for the actions she is about to take. Also, when Ross asks, â€Å"Is’t known who did this more than bloody deed? †(2. 4. 22), he tries to figure out who performed the disloyal act of murdering the king. Blood is also used many times to express the guilt-ridden consciences of the characters. For instance, Macbeth says, â€Å"What hands are here? Ha! They pluck out mine own eyes! / Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash the blood/ Clean from my hand? †(2. 3. 58-60). Macbeth obviously feels guilty for killing Duncan in cold blood. Later in the play, Lady Macbeth reveals her guilt while sleepwalking. She walks through the castle carrying a candle. She often sits the candle down and begins to rub her hands as if she is trying to wash them. In her somber state, she cries out: What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our pow’r to accompt? Yet who would have thought the old man to have so much blood in him? (5. 1. 38-41). Lady Macbeth feels as though she cannot wipe clean her blood stained hands. This is a bit ironic since earlier she told Macbeth, â€Å"A little water clears us of this deed†(2. 2. 66). Lady Macbeth has many dreams and fantasies about blood, which shows that she cannot clear her conscience of this brutal act. Another literary technique that is used in Macbeth is word imagery. Word imagery is a term for a metaphor, a comparison that does not use the words â€Å"like†or â€Å"as†. One of the best examples of this is clothing imagery. For instance, Ross tells Macbeth that he has been named Thane of Cawdor, and Macbeth says, â€Å"The Thane of Cawdor lives. Why do you dress me in/ Borrowed robes? †(1. 3. 108-109). Macbeth asks why Ross is telling him this. This title is like new clothes to him, but this title and these clothes should still belong to the former Thane of Cawdor. Another example of clothing imagery occurs when Macbeth tells his wife that he has second thoughts of killing Duncan. He says, â€Å"I have bought/ Golden opinions from all sorts of people,/ Which would be worn now in their newest gloss†(1. 7. 32-34). Lady Macbeth thinks he is being irrational. Macbeth knows that he is the center of attention now because he saved the country. He also knows that if he kills Duncan everyone would be more interested in the death of their king than in their hero, Macbeth. Shakespeare’s work reveals that he knew how to make a play a work of art. Through his use of irony, symbolism, and imagery he is able to grab the reader or the viewer’s attention and keep it. These elements have contributed to the endurance of his works for centuries, and they will help it to endure for centuries to come. Without the use of these techniques, Macbeth would not be the tragic play that it is. This play would lack very important methods that help idealize the characters in the play.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Real and Cyber World Threats - 654 Words
Every day we are prone to threats against our lives that may harm us in many ways, in the real world and cyber world. In the cyber realm, we have a big issue with something called malware; malware is malicious software that comes in many forms. It may attack in many ways at any time or place; that is why there is a lot of research going into figuring out how malware works. Malware costs people in the US alone billions of dollars yearly (Consumer Reports Magazine). There are many types of malware such as: Viruses, Trojan horses, Phishing, Worms, and Spyware. They work in many different ways but they all corrupt something in the everyday lives of the computer users. First off, Phishing, poses as a real legitimate such as: bank websites. It wants you to go to the link while it â€Å"fishes†for the data you provide on the site. Spyware is a monitor of your personal use on your computer. It sends advertising info after it has your data, this is one of the most difficult to get rid of. Trojan horses, like Phishing, may be covered and look like a real program and have actual function but it can delete data and compromise security. A Virus, we all have heard of a virus before. It is the most common known to man. A Virus infects your computer by overtaking the control of the computer it also looks for sensitive data like, credit card info, passwords , etc. Lastly, there are Worms. Worms are usually sent through email and they venture out into your address book; creating aShow MoreRelatedCyber Attack And Cyber Attacks Essay1656 Words  | 7 Pagesa terror attack and this is the cyber-attack and threats. Cyber-attacks can be responsible for large mass destructions by making all systems connected to cyber networks fail to work (Rhodes 20). An example is the Morris worm that affected the world cyber infrastructures and caused them to slow down to a position of being impractical. 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