Thursday, October 31, 2019
Amendment rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Amendment rights - Essay Example This is because the window is viewable by anyone one walking along that street. For example in Katz v. United States, a case ruled by the Supreme Court that there was no search if a person has an expectation of privacy and this expectation should be reasonable. For this case, if a police officer looks through the garbage, this cannot be termed as a search since there is not expectation that the garbage is private. The Congress has already placed statutory restrictions on incidents like when a police officer monitors telephone numbers dialed by individuals. At one time, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Florida v. Riley, where police officers had hovered above a suspect's house with a helicopter and conducted surveillance. There can be no expectation of privacy in illegal activities. For example where a police officer uses a drug sniffing dog to investigate an illegal activity is not a search. Under certain circumstances, it is not necessary for warrant for a search or seizure. For this case, the police officer must have a probable cause that makes him believe that the object in question is contraband before the search and seizure. There is search without a warrant on open fields if at all; the person conducting his activity in the open field had no reasonable expectation of privacy. ... There is search without a warrant on open fields if at all; the person conducting his activity in the open field had no reasonable expectation of privacy. For this case the meaning of 'open field' doctrine is expanded so that it includes any open space. For example in a case that was ruled by the Supreme Court that there was no search where the police had ignored a "no trespassing" sign when they entered the suspect's land without a warrant and as they walked through a path to the interior, they discovered he had planted marijuana in his land. The Supreme Court ruled in this case of Oliver v. United States that no search had taken place at the suspect's land. At time, there are exceptions to the warrant requirement for example in case the police officer suspects that the accused is likely to destroy evidence. For this case, the police officer is permitted to search and seize the suspect's property for evidence without a warrant. According to Supreme Court, individuals have reduced expectation of privacy while driving in their vehicles since the vehicles are not repositories of personal effects nor do they serve as a residence place. However, the automobiles are not supposed to be randomly stopped to be searched without a probable cause or reasonable suspicion of criminals driving in it. The police officer for this case is allowed to extend the search to any part of the vehicle where they believe weapons or drugs could be hidden. They may also extend their search to the passengers if there is a probable cause to search them if he suspects that they may hiding drugs or any harmful weapon. If a person has not been arrested and it appears that he has to be searched, then the search
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
My Goal in Life Essay Example for Free
My Goal in Life Essay At the age of 8 we change our minds about what we want to do when we grow up about every week. At the 18 and a few months away from graduating some of us still don’t know what we want to do or where we want to go in life. Excluding all of those soon to be high school graduates, I already know what I want to do after high and know where I want to go. Since the age of 10, I’ve always dreamt of being a police officer. I cant see myself doing anything other than patrolling the streets and keeping people safe. After graduating high school, Im going to go to college for at least four years. When my four years is done and after I turn twenty-one, I’m going to join the police academy. Im going to work hard and do whatever it takes to get in and pass all my tests. My goal is to be the best police office on the force. When the time comes after a couple years of patrolling, I would love to work my way up to be a special agent or maybe even be a member of the SWAT team. I know a lot of people may doubt me and a lot of people may say, â€Å"A little girl like you can’t do a job like that.†but I will prove them wrong. I want to be able to say â€Å"I did it†instead of â€Å"I tried,†Failing is not an option, the key is to never give up and push yourself as far as you can go.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Drug Discovery And Development
Drug Discovery And Development A drug is created through lots of stages. This essay provides the description of the basic concepts of drug discovery and development, and identifies the role of some medicinal chemistry, such as pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. There are lots of processes of creating new drugs, where we may mainly distinguish between drug discovery and drug development. Drug discovery comes about in several different ways. The method is to subject new chemical entities to a set of screening tests designed to detect different types of biological activity. These include in Vitro screens as well as in Vivo screens. The history of drug discovery has changed gradually. Before 1990, medicines were produced by chemical synthesis or were isolated from existing compounds exhibiting poly-pharmacology or side effects, such as plants and herbs. Also, screenings were carried out through low throughput screening. More recently, the understanding of human receptors and substances which cause specific activity has proceeded, so this led to new drugs, such Cimetizine and Ranitizine. The studies of DMPK and ADME have progressed as well, so the studies were applied to drug discovery. In addition to that, the change from low throughput screeni ng to high throughput screening allowed mass screening. Since 2000, the incredible advance of understanding of the human genome has led to novel medicines, such as Aranesp, Epogen, and Enbral, which are more biological than before. Toxicology developed and has been adapted to drug discovery as well. At the same time, attempts with using computers are increasing. As I mentioned above, the method of finding lead compounds has changed. Nowadays, main six methods to find lead compounds are becoming popular. Firstly, it is to improve existing drugs. Secondly, it is to create new drugs on the basis of natural products. Also, rational drug design using protein crystallography is becoming popular. The rest is high throughput screening, fragment screening, and virtual screening. In addition, there are the main two methods of designing structures, which are structure based design and ligand based design respectively. Targets of finding new lead compounds are mainly eight targets, which are re ceptors, enzymes, ion-channels, nuclear receptors, kinases, bacterial/viral targets, human genome, and others. The process of drug discovery is complex, so it takes 4 to 8 years to finish it. In the process of drug discovery, the small structural changes of chemicals sometimes cause large changes and effects. For instance, propranol shows both ÃŽ ²1 andÃŽ ²2 adrenoceptor selectivity. On the other hand, atenolol shows only ÃŽ ²1 adrenoceptor selectivity. The structural differences between propranolol and atenolol are small, but their showing effects are different respectively. Once a new chemical compound has been discovered, drug development has to be carried out, culminating in its being licensed for use and marked. Preclinical tests on isolated tissues and in animals should ensure that the drug has the required mechanism of action and at least in animals will produce appropriate system responses. At this stage, the new drug will be tested against standard drugs in comparative assays. Toxicity tests in animals should in most cases allow some prediction of toxic effects in humans. In comparisons of drugs used clinically, potency does not necessarily relate directly to therapeutic usefulness. It is important to consider also the maximum achievable response and the incidence of unwanted effects. Clinical testing in humans involves four phases. Phase 1 is the measurement of pharmacological activity, pharmacokinetics and side effects in healthy volunteers. Phase 2 is pilot studies in small groups of patients to confirm that the drug works on the target condit ion and to establish the dosage regimen to be used in phase 3. Phase 3 is formal clinical trials in a large number of patients to determine the incidence of unwanted effects. Phase 4 is post marketing surveillance to establish efficacy and toxicity in general use. The detection of rare, adverse effects is most likely to occur in this phase. It takes 5 to 8 years to finish this stage, and costs much money than drug discovery stage. It takes about 10 to 12 years from an idea to marketable drugs totally. Also, it takes approximately 800 million dollars to develop one new drug. The duration of a drugs patent from the time of its registration with the UK Patent Office is 20 years. Therefore, pharmaceutical industries have to recoup their investment and make a profit, some of which will spend researching and developing other drugs. After a drugs patent expired, other pharmaceutical companies can make and sell the quite similar drug which is called a generic drug. As a result, the price often drops significantly. As a generic drug has become popular among people due to the price and the efficacy, generic drugs market is growing rapidly. The definition of medicinal chemistry Medicinal chemistry is a chemistry based on discipline which is involved in aspects of biological, medical and pharmaceutical science. Also, it is concerned with the invention, discovery, design, identification and preparation of biologically active compounds. The chemistry is a study of their metabolism, mode of action at a molecular level, and relationships between chemical structure and activity. The role of pharmacokinetics in drug discovery and drug development Pharmacokinetics is the science of exploring the changes in drug concentrations throughout the body with time. It is important to understand the time course of drug effects. The time course of drug action usually follows that of the concentration at the target site. There are 4 main phases in the pharmacokinetic process, which are absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Drugs can be administered through the gut or by other route, which is called absorption. Most drugs dont spread rapidly throughout the whole of body water. A drugs penetration into these compartments is indicated by its volume of distribution that would be required to hold the amount of drug in the body at the measured plasma concentration. The plasma membrane of the cells constitutes a hydrophobic lipid barrier and drug permeation can occur by direct distribution through the lipid and carrier mediated transport. Diffusion of a drug depends on its concentration gradient and its diffusion coefficient. The concentration gradient established within the cell membrane depends on the drugs lipid/water partition coefficient. This is estimated by the drugs distribution between water and a simple organic solvent. Most drugs are ionised in aqueous solution. The ionised form is hydrophilic, so the ionisation impedes passive membrane permeation. When a drug enters the body, it is subjected to the processes that have been developed for dealing with toxic foreign molecules, which are called metabolism and excretion. The liver is the main site of drug metabolism, and the kidney is the main site of excretion. There are some important terms in pharmacokinetics, which are half-life, AUC, and drug clearance. Half-life is the time taken for any given plasma concentration to decrease by 50%. AUC is a measure of the extent of absorption. Drug clearance is defined as the volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit time. Drug metabolism in drug discovery The main purpose of drug metabolism is to cause detoxification. Metabolism involves two main processes. Firstly, the molecule is made more hydrophilic to reduce the possibility of reabsorption in the renal tubules. Secondly, it is conjugated to reduce its effects and aid excretion. As I mentioned above, there are two phases of metabolism. Phase à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ is mainly oxidative reactions, such as oxidation, reduction, and hydrolysis. The oxidation of a drug requires the cytochrome P450 which is the major enzyme. Phase à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã‚ ¡ is conjugation reactions with sugar residue, such as glucuronidation, glycosidation, and sulfation. UDPGT is the main enzyme at this stage. Interestingly, there are species differences in metabolism. For example, lidocaine is metabolised to 4-hydroxylidocaine by hydroxylation in rats. On the other hand, lidocaine is metabolised to monoethylglycinexylidide by deethylation in dogs or men. The main reason why these differences occurred is the difference o f enzymes between species. There are some particular enzymes in men and dogs, but there may be not the enzymes in rats. When the situation happens, species differences occur in metabolism. to The role of pharmacology in drug discovery Pharmacology concerns the study of how drugs affect the function of host tissues or combat infectious organisms. In most cases, drugs bind selectively to target molecules within the body, usually proteins but other macromolecules as well. The main drug targets are receptors, enzymes, ion channels, and transporters. It is generally desirable that a drug should have a higher affinity for its target than for other binding sites. One of the main roles of pharmacology in identifying new drugs is drug target identification with using compounds known pharmacological properties to identify new target mechanisms, and identifying new receptors, ion channels, transporters, and enzymes. Receptors are protein molecules in or on cells that act as recognition sites for endogenous ligands such as neurotransmitters, hormones, inflammatory mediators. Many drugs used in medicine make use of these receptors. The effect of a drug may produce the same responses to an endogenous ligand or prevent the actio n of an endogenous ligand. A drug that binds to a receptor and activates the cells response is termed an agonist. A drug that reduces or inhibits the action of an agonist is termed an antagonist. Some drugs produce the maximum response that the tissue can give. These are termed full agonists. Other drugs may not give the maximum tissue response in any concentration, which is called partial agonists. A drug shifts the equilibrium in favour of the non active form, so reducing background activity. Such drugs are referred to as inverse agonists. An antagonist is defined as a drug that reduces the action of an agonist. There are three main antagonism mechanisms, which are competitive antagonism, irreversible antagonism, and non-competitive antagonism. A competitive antagonist binds to the receptor and prevents the binding of an agonist. If the antagonist binds reversibly, then the effect of the antagonist can be overcome by raising the concentration of the agonist so that it competes mor e effectively for the binding sites. In irreversible antagonism, the antagonist binds irreversibly, reducing the number of receptors available for binding. In non-competitive antagonism, the antagonist does not block the receptor itself but blocks the signal transduction process initiated by receptor activation. Enzymes catalyse a chemical reaction, so convert substrates to products. In most cases, enzymes are proteins, and their targets are intracellular. Ion channels are fundamental membrane proteins, and convey ions across cell membranes. There are three main types of ion channel, which are voltage-gated channels, ligand-gated channels, and G-protein regulated channels. Voltage-gated channels are closely involved in ion gradients, and make the tissues excitable. Ligand-gated channels consist of a number of transmembrane subunits. The channel governs fast cell to cell communication. G-protein regulated channels modulate the excitability of excitable tissue. Transporters are protei ns which can penetrate a cell membrane without modifying it, and transport substances. Drugs can modify this action by blocking a binding site, or acting as a false substance, and being transported into a cell. The importance of oral administration and oral bioavailability Oral administration is the most convenient and acceptable route, because of the importance from the point of view of patients. It is much easier for patients to take medicine orally than taking by other routes. The important factors of oral drugs are potency, selectivity, rapid dissolution, and rapid transfer across the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, low clearance, absence of dose independent and time independent in pharmacokinetics, and no interaction with other drugs. Oral bioavailability is the proportion of the orally administered dose that reaches the systemic circulation. Incomplete release from the dosage form, destruction within the gut, poor absorption and first-pass elimination are important causes of low bioavailability. There are two main factors controlling oral absorption, which are physical barriers and biological barrier. Physical barrier comprises solubility, ionisation, lipophilicity, drug formulation, and interaction with other substances. As I discussed above, solubility, lipophilicity, and ionisation are closely related to absorption. Drugs must dissolve to establish a concentration gradient for absorption, the rate and extent of absorption depending on the pharmaceutical formulation. Rapid absorption of a drug requires its disintegration into small particles. In general, food will slow absorption by reducing the drugs concentration. On the other hand, biological barriers comprise efflux, transporters, and metabolism. Efflux is a biological reaction which forces out unnecessary substances. The reaction prevents drugs from entering inside of a cell. Metabolism is one of the biological barriers, because of different enzymes which are mainly CYP 450. Transporters are one of biological barriers, but the role of transporters preventing drugs from entering an interior cell is not clear now. The example of drugs Histamine is a mediator in both acute inflammation and the immediate hypersensitivity response. There are two main types of histamine receptor which are H1 and H2 receptors. Antihistamine drugs can target each receptor type. The main physiological aspects of the gastrointestinal tract are gastric acid secretion. The excess of gastric acid secretion cause peptic ulcers. In peptic ulcer, the balance between gastric acid secretion and mucosal-protective mechanisms is altered. The main approach to peptic ulcer is drugs used to reduce acid secretion. The H2 receptor antagonists, Cimetizine, Ranitizine, reduce gastric acid secretion in response to histamine, gastrin, and food. The proton pump is responsible for the secretion of gastric acid into the stomach. Therefore, the proton pump inhibitors show the effect of reduction in the secretion of gastric acid. Antibacterial drugs are compounds used to treat bacterial infections. There are some targets for antibacterial drugs, such as cell wall, nucleotide mechanism, and protein synthesis. One of the important targets is cell wall which provides support for the membrane. Its main constituent is peptidoglycan which is an excellent target for drugs. Drugs affecting peptidoglycan synthesis include penicillins and penicillin G. Conclusion I learned the basis of drug discovery and development through these lectures, and I found the importance of medicinal chemistry, such as pharmacology and pharmacokinetics. It is essential to understand medicinal chemistry for discovering and developing novel and ideal drugs. At the same time, I feel we should consider discovering and developing drugs from the point of view of patients as well.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Extending a Kantian Dichotomy to a Poincaréan Trichotomy :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Extending a Kantian Dichotomy to a Poincarà ©an Trichotomy ABSTRACT: I argue for the possibility of knowledge by invention which is neither à ¡ priori nor à ¡ posteriori. My conception of knowledge by invention evolves from Poincarà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s conventionalism, but unlike Poincarà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s conventions, propositions known by invention have a truth value. An individuating criteria for this type of knowledge is conjectured. The proposition known through invention is: gounded historically in the discipline to which it belongs; a result of the careful, sincere and objective quest and effort of the knower; chosen freely by the inventer or knower; and, private in its invention but public once invented. I extend knowledge by invention to include the knowledge of the invented proposition by those who do not invent it but accept it as a convention for good reasons. Finally, knowledge by invention combined with a revisionist, Platonist definition of knowledge as actively justified true belief provides a pedagogical model reviving the proactive spi rit of the Socratic method with an emphasis on invention and activity and a de-emphasis on information gathering and passivity. I. Introduction Kant's à priori - à posteriori and analytic - synthetic distinctions inaugurated Modern epistemology and provided the architecture for knowledge in mathematics, science and metaphysics. (1) The product of the two distinctions yields three kinds of knowledge: synthetic à priori, analytic à priori and synthetic à posteriori; analytic à posteriori being impossible. For Kant propositions like; "7+5=12," "all bodies have mass" and "every event has a cause." were synthetic and known à priorily. (2) Post-Kantian philosophy witnessed an attack on the possibility of synthetic à priori knowledge such as the rejections of analysis, geometry and arithmetic as synthetic à priori by Bolzano, Helmholtz and Frege respectively. (3) These were motivated by a fear that Kant's conceptualism, of the mind imposing space and time on the world, may lead to anti-realism, such as that of Husserl's bracketing the existence of the world based on his extensions of Descartes and Kant. ( 4) Nominalism and idealism are anti-realist but conceptualism and conventionalism need not be. I extend the typology of knowledge by adding knowledge by invention. Many fundamental propositions of mathematics, science and metaphysics hence shift from the realm of synthetic à priori to the realm of knowledge by invention. For Poincarà © fundamental definitions of mathematics are neither à priori nor à posteriori, but conventional. I suggest that "conventional" means "known by invention." I will argue in this paper for this unconventional interpretation of Poincarà ©'s conventionalism.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Acme Fireworks Essay
Introduction As the owner of Acme Fireworks you have asked me, you manager, to review and explain some ideas to you. In the following pages I have explained the potential personal liability for injuries to consumers and what must be on our labels for safety. Analyzed the newly formed contracts with the retailers and the employment and expansion that are needed for Acme to go along with the new contracts, and then concluding with the change of the business entity. As we go forward with the growth of the business, we want to be sure things are done properly and that we will meet or exceed our consumer and customers’ standards at Acme Fireworks. Personal Liability As you are aware you our company needs to be sure that our consumers are aware of two key things their own liability, and warnings. Our consumers need to be aware that when they use our products that they alone are responsible for any damage done by the firing of the firework is their responsibility and not ours. Insurance companies are saying â€Å"you can’t always control who is watching your fireworks display and never know who might file a lawsuit against you for any bodily harm caused by a roge firework. Despite how complicated fireworks liability may sound, making sure you’re covered in the event of injuries or property damage is as simple as finding the right custom fireworks insurance plan that can be designed exactly for your needs (Xinsurance, 2009).†Our labels as you know must contain the following items for consumers’ safety and per Title 16 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Every fireworks device must have: A label with a signal word, either WARNING or CAUTION; A statement describing the hazard(s) associated with the device, such as A statement describing the hazard(s) associated with the device, such as â€Å"SHOOTS FLAMING BALLS†or â€Å"EMITS SHOWERS OR SPARKS†; And information describing the actions to be followed or avoided in order to store, handle and use the device safely (Consumer Products Safety Commission, 2001). The company will need to take steps to ensure that the customer is protected and the integrity of the company is not compromised. Accepting personal liability for the letting of fireworks requires that the customer has a working knowledge of the operation of the pyrotechnics. There is a great level of responsibility accepted by our company for selling fireworks and to the consumer letting them off. Consumer accepts full responsibility for any damages in the use of products purchased from Acme Fireworks. Contract From what you have told me already, Event Palace and Party Store have submitted a request for large quantity orders on an ongoing, regular, basis. You have responded that Acme Fireworks agrees that we have the ability to fulfill the large orders requested, furthermore, both retailers and Acme Fireworks have agreed on a cost of $500.00 per case. As your manager, this constitutes an implied contract with these retailers and it is appropriate to act upon it quickly and get a simple contract drawn up for each of the retailer, signed by the proper people. First off I will give you some of the definitions of what should be in the contract, i.e. offer, terms, clauses, and acceptance, once complete, I will have an example of what I think the contract should contain. An offer must, â€Å"contain a clear promise to enter into a contract, must have reasonably certain terms, and must be communicated by the promisor (the person making the promise ) to the promise (the person to whom the promise is made)†(Rogers, 2012). Terms are what we and the retailers want from each other and what we expect in return; clauses are ways out of the contract if something unforeseen happens to either of the retailers or Acme. Finally, acceptance is where the responsible parties’ purchasing personnel, would sign the contract. Acme Fireworks will provide Event Palace with a minimum of 500 cases per month at a cost of $500 per case for the next two years, with the understanding that Event palace must place an order no later than 3 weeks prior to their next shipment. If Event Palace needs a quick shipment or a special order of $300 or more Acme would need to have that item in stock or they would need to add it to the next order, or pay additional prices for rush delivery. If an unforeseen and/or uncontrollable event happens to either party, they may have the option to back out of the contract, for a negotiated period of time, for repairs or termination of the contract, if necessary. Conditions such as but not limited, but not limited to, weather conditions, store, warehouse, or personal property damage. The contract will be kept in force, until canceled or terminated by agreed upon terms by all parties. New employment Once we get the contract back from the retailers we need to sit down with Nancy, our Human Resources, and get started with the hiring. For hiring the new employees that we will need for the addition work, the steps of advertising for the positions, scheduling interviews, and meeting to choose the correct candidates must be taken. Let us start off by writing the job descriptions down so we have clear definitions of what each job will entail. Then we can go to placing a couple of online ads with our local unemployment and the local online job agencies. Then contact the three local Employment Agencies and have them do some of the pre screening for us. With increasing our employee numbers above 15 we will have to ensure that each of our employees will not have any type of discrimination being hired. This will keep us in compliance with the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Once we have the hiring going we will need to watch our scheduling to ensure that we follow the proper Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 on the regulations, minimum wage hours worked, overtime, employee breaks and we also follow the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 for the continued health and safety of the business (Rogers, 2012). We want to ensure that employees, both current and new have the understanding of what we expect of them as well as their rights. To do that we need to gather up important information that each employee should know at all times, including the US regulation on handling and storing the explosive powers and form an employee handbook. In the employee handbook we need to include: Non-Disclosure and Conflict of Interest Statements, Compensation, Work Scheduling, Standard of Conduct, General Employment Information (Labor Laws, Minimum Wedge, and Termination Policy), Safety and Security, Media Relations, Employee Benefits and Leave Policies (Small Business Administration 2014). We can have this book on the production floor, available to take home and available to read on one in the break room computers. With the above changes into place I would like to make one more suggestion, as the Manager of the Acme Fireworks with all the new contracts and the new employees I would like to recommend that we move to a small warehouse located down by the docks in the marina area that has not been in use for a couple of years. The real-estate price is not high for a two year lease and then we could reevaluate where our business has grown; we can still keep the Payroll, and Human Resources here in the garage. I just think this will help the business. Business Entity My suggestion as your manager would be to go Limited Liability Company (LLC) and expand to a production warehouse and a sales office. Our current is the entity of a Sole Proprietor, which is good because you and your business are one in the same. The taxes are easy your file one form each year that contain your family and your business and then you are done. You have complete control of what is said and done within the business; no one else has the right to seek for your business. The disadvantage of the sole ownership is that if someone got hurt in the business and sued you they are also suing your family as well. You cannot sell stock in your business so it is hard to raise money and most investors will not invest, and banks are very hesitant to lend money. I would go to a Single Owner Limited Liability Company. The principal advantage of an LLC is that it is structured like a partnership but with limited liability protection for the owner similar to a corporation. Because an LLC is considered a separate entity from its owner, the owner cannot be held personally liable for its debts and obligations of the LLC, absent any fraud. With this choice you would still be the owner, but you would have limited liability, and your families saving and life would not be interrupted if something happened to the business. The taxes in an LLC â€Å"are not taxed as a separate business entity. Instead, all profits and losses are â€Å"passed through†the business for each member of the LLC. LLC members report profits and losses on their personal federal tax returns, just like the owners of a partnership would (Small Business Administration 2014)†, or yourself if you choose not to have members. Members can be anyone of your choosing that you would want to share the profits and ownership respo nsibilities. Conclusion As this paper come to an end, I have covered each of the aspects that you the owner of Acme Fireworks as requested I cover. I have covered a lot of material in a short amount of time for you and all very helpful for our growing business. Please use the information wisely and understanding that I am trying to help our business grow in the right way. As a growing company, we need to ensure that our consumers know their rights and we need to ensure that our products have the proper labeling to follow the US Federal Regulations Title 16. With the oncoming of the new contracts and employees the growth of the company I recommend that we as a company go to a Sole Proprietor LLC. This you can protect your business and your family as we grow your business. As always, please feel free to come and talk to me about anything. References Consumer Products Safety Commission (2001) Fireworks Business Guidance Retrieved on August 24, 2014 from–Manufacturing/Business-Education/Business-Guidance/Fireworks/ Rogers, S. (2012). Essentials of Business Law. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Small Business Administration (2014) Employee Handbook Retrieved on August 24, 2014 from Small Business Administration (2014) Limited Liability Company Retrieved on August 24, 2014 from Small Business Administration (2014) Sole Proprietorship Retrieved on August 24, 2014 Xinsurane 2009, Event Home
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Relationship between RMG Export growth and GDP of Bangladesh
Karakul Hosing, Professor of the Department of Finance, University of Dacha for his constant supervision, moral support, valuable instruction, & helpful advice during the course of studies & research work. Finally, I am deeply indebted to my family, teachers, & friends whose invaluable support & encouragement have done much to make this report a successful one. Description ARM Redeemed garments Export A function of international trade whereby goods produced in one country is shipped to another country for future sale or trade.GAP The monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific period, though GAP is usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of private and public consumption, government outlays, investments, and exports less imports that occur within a defined territory. PEP Exports Promotion Burro Qualitative control Acceptance sampling, can be used when a decision must be made to accept or reject a group of part s or items based on the quality found in a sample. Net Exports (NIX) The value of a country's total exports minus the value of its total imports.It is used to calculate a country's aggregate expenditures, or GAP, in an open economy variable A variable is any characteristics, number, or quantity that can be measured or counted. A variable may also be called a data item LAST Lot Quality Assessment Technique Work schedule A work schedule includes the days of the week and times of the day a particular employee is scheduled to work of a research or project. A nation could accelerate the rate of economic growth by promoting exports of goods and services. Remittance plays a vital role to economic development of that country.At present, Bangladesh is a good amount of remittance from export of ARM from 1970. By PAYOFF, within a span of about two decades exports have gone up to USED 4. 5 billion. Over the past decade alone, the sector registered a phenomenal growth rate of 15 percent per annu m, which is impressive. In fact, this was an exceptionally high growth rate for an emerging industry anywhere in the world. The industrial base, which sustained such high growths, also enjoyed a robust expansion, from less than 50 factories in 1983 to more than 3,400 in 2002, with the number of ARM workers reaching approximately 1. Million. Trend of period average simple growth rate of total export of Bangladesh is almost similar in two periods; 1980-90 and 1991-2004. During the whole period under consideration ready-made garments, (ARM) exports contribute lion's share (around 75 percent). For ARM export as a whole, the average annual growth rate is much higher (95. 2 percent) during the first period. Of the ARM export, the average annual Roth rate of knitwear export is much higher (74. 0 percent) during the last period as compared to woven wear.Working adolescent girls tend to avoid early marriage as they have their own source of income and are self-dependent. The mean age at marri age for girls working in ARM, factories tend to be higher than the national average. Employment opportunities especially for women created positive impact on family planning and population control in the country. Independent working-women are getting more conscious about the advantage of a small family, and are exposed to modern family planning methods.Nevertheless, repeatedly times the magnitude of its multiplier impact and implications will Justify the support that this sector has been given over the past years and the support it is currently seeking from the government. In PAYOFF Bangladesh exported ARM products worth 4. 5 billion US dollars. Her share in total US imports of apparels was 3. 2%; in EX. it was 3. 3% and in Canada it was 3. 0%. Bangladesh is known in these countries as a small country with a strong presence. This research proposal attempts to qualify the inter-relationship between Export growths of ARM and GAP of Bangladesh.
Technology Gaps and Security Strategy
Technology Gaps and Security Strategy Introduction Merger can be defined as the agreement between firms that produce similar products. When two companies merge, they combine their operations to build a stronger base. The merger of Benz and Chrysler is a typical example. This union is referred as a merger of equals. The companies have the same strengths and business orientation. While the merger talk was ongoing, issues relating to who controls the organization became the subject of debate. By the end of the merger talks, DaimlerChrysler was a firm bound to fail (Andress, 2011).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Technology Gaps and Security Strategy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Key Issues/Challenges Merging IT at DaimlerChrysler The merger of DaimlerChrysler came with issues which include: Communication gaps: Before the merger, the workforce from both companies anticipated a change in culture and this change was not realized. Job cuts at Chrysler Corporation increased which led to communication gaps in the organization. Teamwork promotes efficiency; the lack of cohesion among staff of the two companies hindered the growth of DaimlerChrysler Corporation. Power control: Before the merger, Chrysler recorded profits in their stock-market due to their marketing strategy. However, Chrysler’s stock share index dropped and they conceded a great loss in their capital base after the merger. This was a result of the total control by Daimler, which introduced the German culture to its operations. This pushed away Chrysler’s customers from any business transaction with DaimlerChrysler Corporation (â€Å"National Institute of Standards and Technology,†2009). Conflict management: The result of disagreement of which policy to adopt raised serious concerns for the management of DaimlerChrysler. The right to decide which production strategy should be used and for which market, was controlled by the Germans which added to the communication gap in the organization. Conflicting cultures: Daimler-Benz was known for their achievements in the sale of luxury cars and they had a strong business network. Thus, Daimler-Benz ranked high in the automobile business. Chrysler manufactured low -cost compact cars and minivans and they were the biggest sales company in the North America. This statistic proved that, both companies were at their best in managing the internal and external transactions in the organization. The production team of Chrysler was downsized to fit the cost-reduction strategy of the Corporation. Difference in Operation Process: The product line of DaimlerChrysler also suffered challenges. There was a conflict in decision making in regards to the brand of cars to produce and the kind of technology to introduce. Chrysler was known for a robust IT technology; the growth of her production strength lies in the efficient use of the IBMs CATIA CAD/CAM system. However, the control of the operations w as headed by the Germans and they opposed the introduction of IBMs CATIA CAD/CAM system technology. Lost in share Index from Chrysler Corporations: The merger of the two automotive giants resulted in the loss of shareholders from Chrysler Corporations. This was caused by the internal conflicts in the companies and the public perception about the merger. Executives were fired from Chrysler: Due to duplication of job description, there was a massive job cut in the organization. Although the merger was seen as a consolidation among equals, the result of the displacement proved otherwise. IT management was not centralized: The introduction of technology has reduced the shortage of information dissemination in business organizations. Nevertheless, when this technology is not centralized, it will not be useful in any business transaction Chrysler Corporations had a centralized network system until the merger with Daimler Benz. This is another challenge for the organization. Different bus iness Strategies: Culture difference between the two companies has affected their business strategy. While executives from Daimler would want to produce luxury buses, Chrysler executives would desire to have a system that produces compact cars. This difference in business strategy causes friction for the success and growth of the organization. Security Plan for DaimlerChrysler Corporation The success of DaimlerChrysler Corporation hinges on the management of all aspects of production and workforce. DaimlerChrysler would require a workable security strategy that is planned to be successful. This security strategy can be categorized into people, process and technology. The security plan as it Relates People in the Organization Job Description Technology: The management of the workforce requires careful examination. Technological efficiency would make this task simple. Each staff is trained under his or her specific job description for the growth of the organization. The executives w ould integrate this technology into the entire structure of the organization. From the head to the bottom, each staff understands what he or she has to do for the success of the firm. Information Technology: The executive of DaimlerChrysler must update her information technology, to link each department to the information network. This would encourage communication in the organization and remove speculation and rumours. Information would be shared equally among the workforce and this would boost team spirit among the staff. Teamwork is an important key to success in a corporate organization. The diversified culture in the organization will be reduced with an updated information technology. The security plan as it relates Process and Technology in the Organization Centralized Information Technology: The key to success in an automobile industry is an effective business strategy. The business strategy will match market trends and would serve as a competitive advantage over similar co mpetitors. Information technology would assist in tracking customers demand and desire. Information would be collected from different regions of the company, transferred to a centralized system that would be used for decision making. The kind of automobile to produce would be decided with an updated information system. This will reduce the problem of cultural conflict in the organization (â€Å"National Institute of Standards and Technology,†2010). An Updated Storage and Security Technology: The cornerstone for every success story hinges on the integrity of the organization. The integrity of DaimlerChrysler Corporation is strengthened with customer confidentiality. Information transfer is managed through secured channels and firewalls. An updated security technology would help reduce risk encountered in the organization. The information gathered are kept as confidential files and accessed only by authorized people. The login system is encrypted with security measures to redu ce security breach from unauthorized use. A Proposed Timeline for Addressing each Element of the Security Strategy The problems encountered in the merger of Benz and Chrysler would not benefit the organization. The proposed security plan as it relates to people, process and technology in the merger must be implemented immediately. The cost of expansion must be introduced in the next budget and the funds for acquiring a secured technological firewall must be released immediately. The training of staff in the organization in his or her job description should be implemented immediately. The management must unify the workforce and approve rewards that would motivate the employees for efficiency. Estimates for Implementing Recommended Strategies, with Rationale Using the appropriate timeline, the Corporation would deliver 98% success with the recommendations. When these recommendations are partly implemented, there would be partial growth of the organization and by estimation it would a mount to 30% success. If these recommendations are not implemented, there would be no change in the organization and it would be a setback for the firm. The success of the merger should be an advantage for Daimler and Chrysler, and this becomes a collective objective of the Corporation. Recommendation Regarding the Next Steps to take on Mitigating Risks Identified The security strategies analyzed for the organization, are highly effective and achievable when implemented. These recommendations were carefully examined without prejudice. The challenges facing the merger of the two automotive giants were analyzed and the solutions reached were workable and could be carried out within the next business season. I assure you that these recommendations would stand the test of time in years to come and would be the cornerstone to the achievements of the organization.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Conclusion The merger between Daimler and Chrysler would be successful when the solutions to challenges studied in the cased study are fully implemented. The goal of the merger is to cut cost of production, operations and reduce the cost of research and production. However, the equality of the merger must be reflected in management and the structure of the organization. The success of a merger depends on unity of management, harmony of operations and efficiency in the organization’s cultural integration. References Andress, J. (2011). The Basics of Information Security: Understanding the Fundamentals of InfoSec in Theory and Practice. Amsterdam: Elsevier. National Institute of Standards and Technology: Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems (2009). NIST Special Publication 800-37 Revision 1. Retrieved from National Institute of Standards and Technology: Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organization (2010). NIST Special Publication 800-53 Revision 3. Retrieved from
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How Sunscreen SPF Is Measured
How Sunscreen SPF Is Measured SPF (Sun Protection Factor) is a multiplication factor you can use to determine how long you can stay out in the sun before getting a sunburn. If you normally can stay out 10 minutes before burning, a sunscreen with an SPF of 2 will let you stay out twice as long, or 20 minutes, before feeling the burn. An SPF of 70 will let you stay out 70 times longer than if you had no protection (or 700 minutes in this example, which would be over 11 hours or a full day). How Is SPFDetermined? Think SPF is a calculated value or an experimental lab value, based on how much ultraviolet light penetrates a coating of sunscreen? Nope! SPF is determined using human experimentation. The test involves fair-skinned volunteers (people who burn most quickly). They apply the product and bake in the sun until they start to fry. What about water resistant? For a sunscreen to be marketed as water resistant, the time required to burn must be the same before and after two consecutive 20 minute soaks in a Jacuzzi. The SPF factors are calculated by rounding down the time required to burn; however, you may get a false sense of protection from an SPF because the amount of sunscreen used in the tests is a lot more product than the average person uses. The tests use 2 milligrams of formula per square centimeter of skin. Thats like using a quarter of an 8-oz bottle of sunscreen for a single application. Still... a high SPF confers more protection than lower SPF. How Sunless Tanning Works | How Sunscreen Works
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Colonization of Mexican Americans in the United States Essay
Colonization of Mexican Americans in the United States - Essay Example (p. 303) Being a major minority group, Mexican Americans are now facing different challenges coping with contemporary American society, given that the nation is still fairly divided regarding the policies on ethnic minorities and immigrants in the United States. As stated by Healy (2006), â€Å"Of all the challenges confronting the United States today, those relating to minority groups continue to be among the most urgent and the most daunting†(p. xix). In this case, this paper aims to look into the different issues faced by Mexican Americans in the United States, in the context of them being a major minority group in this ethnically-diverse country. Specifically, this paper would try to glance into the following controversial issues: the historical background of Mexican colonization in the United States; of Mexican immigration into the United States (both in â€Å"legal†and â€Å"illegal†immigrants); major socioeconomic indicators of Mexican Americans (especi ally poverty), and the conditions of Mexican culture and ethnicity in the context of a multiracial society. In order to understand better the social context of Mexican American minority groups in the United States, it is important to look at the historical context of Mexican colonization and immigration in the country. ... e of the first Mexican presidents, the former rebel general Santa Ana†actually lost it â€Å"to the United States after a two-year war that ended in 1848†(, 2008). This may be one reason why, even up to the present, most Americans of Hispanic descent lives in this region, and why most Mexican Americans choose to migrate in the southwestern part of the United States. One of the main motivations why dominant group Americans conquered this area in the 19th century is because they actually needed a â€Å"cheap labor force in agriculture, ranching, mining, railroad construction, and other areas of dominant group economy in the Southwest†(Healy, 2006, p. 306). Also, because of the proximity of Mexico to the United States, there was a constant population movement across the border (Healy, 2006, p. 306). It can be seen therefore that the presence of many Mexican Americans in the American southwest, as well as their continued immigration into the area, has been largely due to both historical circumstances and economic conditions as major motive factors. This would continue to the trend as Mexican legal immigration, as well as â€Å"illegal immigration†into the United States, would continue well into the present. Concerning the immigration of Mexican Americans into the United States, Healy (2006) actually argues that By and large, the policies of the federal government have responded to these (immigration) conditions and have encouraged immigration during good times and clamped down during bad times (p. 310). As described in the history of Mexican Americans in the United States, dominant groups actually had the initiative of conquering parts of Mexico in the Mexican-American War (which later became the American Southwest), and used its population to serve as
Friday, October 18, 2019
Policy Responses during the Great Recession Assignment
Policy Responses during the Great Recession - Assignment Example It is apparent that the increase in the prices of houses was the major problematic condition of the housing market. This was because the financial institutions wanted to raise funds that would enable them to remain in operation after the economic recession period (USC Price, n.p). The major policy initiatives that were implemented by HUD during the Great Recession era included increase home ownership by supporting various programs such as Fannie and Freddie, State HFA, Emergency Homeowners Loan Program and First-time homebuyer Tax Credit among others (USC Price, n.p). The purposes of supporting such initiatives were to offer financial assistance to the citizens to enable them either buy homes or settle debts. The effects were to maintain the circulation of money to avoid inflation and shortage of funds that would affect the economy. This also helped companies to continue to offer their services to homeowners and other stakeholders since they had the money to pay their suppliers (USC Price, n.p). One of the policy initiatives that were implemented during the Great Recession was the introduction of the HARP and HAMP. For instance, HAMP was designed to assist the homeowners who were suffering from extreme payment burdens. Alternatively, HARP helped in offering relief for homeowners to earn extra disposal income (USC Price, n.p). This took place through reduction of the interest rates to allow the homeowners save some cash for other purposes. One of the problematic conditions was that it only helped a few households, instead of tackling the universal problem across the country. Another problem was that the government was not running it and relied on lenders in which uninterested parties rejected it. The major interest groups were the homeowners, lenders and private sector operators (USC Price, n.p). The project did not achieve the expected results because the lenders rejected it since it took long to materialize. Another ineffectiveness is
Intensive Care Competencies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Intensive Care Competencies - Research Paper Example A qualified and effective nurse understands all the dynamics of patient advocacy (Kassirer, 2009). In the intensive care unit, a nurse becomes the patient’s advocate. If the patient is paralyzed, unconscious, asleep or in pain, the nurse becomes the advocate for his or her rights and integrity (Lundy & Janes, 2009). The patient must always be ventilated and properly positioned (Lipe, 2003). This takes a lot of courtesy and professionalism from a nurse. If the nurse is working in a hostile environment where the services are limited and resources are scarce, the integrity of service delivery may be compromised (Lipe, 2003). Therefore, the nurse has to use all the necessary means to shield the patient from embarrassment or unwanted happenings during the service delivery. Critical reasoning must always be tempered with clinical reasoning in the nursing profession (Brunt, 2008).The willingness and ability to take responsibility is one of the most prominent competencies during the i ntensive care (Joint Commission Resources, 2004). It is always easy for nurses to blame people and other players when things go wrong. Nurses can take advantage of their patients’ ignorance and fail to take the blame upon themselves when things go wrong (Kassirer, 2009). This leaves patients more confused. A professional nurse working in the intensive care unit should be able to take responsibility and blame upon both the team and the patient if need be. This also involves recognizing one’s shortcomings.... Therefore, the nurse has to use all the necessary means to shield the patient from embarrassment or unwanted happenings during the service delivery. Critical reasoning must always be tempered with clinical reasoning in the nursing profession (Brunt, 2008). The willingness and ability to take responsibility is one of the most prominent competencies during the intensive care (Joint Commission Resources, 2004). It is always easy for nurses to blame people and other players when things go wrong. Nurses can take advantage of their patients’ ignorance and fail to take the blame upon themselves when things go wrong (Kassirer, 2009). This leaves patients more confused. A professional nurse working in the intensive care unit should be able to take responsibility and blame upon both the team and the patient if need be (Elliott, 2006). This also involves recognizing one’s shortcomings (Lipe, 2003). During critical thinking, analysis and evaluation are used before a conclusion is r eached (Joint Commission Resources, 2004). Some of the analyses and observations end up pointing at some professional omissions and laxity on the side of nurses in the intensive care unit (Brunt, 2008). This can be solved by admitting these omissions. The ability to think fast enough is also extremely necessary (Elliott, 2006). During clinical reasoning, trial and error decisions can be made in genuine faith. A competent nurse should be able to explain such decisions when called upon (Kassirer, 2009). Sometimes, some of the team members can run out of the ideas while carrying out some sensitive procedures. The ability of a nurse to observe and address the individual needs of team members is critical. Most of these
Does the Mission Statement or Vision of the firm reflect the companys Case Study
Does the Mission Statement or Vision of the firm reflect the companys focus on customers - Case Study Example As such, without a clear focus on the consumer, for those interested parties who review the mission and or vision statement, the emphasis that the firm places n achieving a degree of customer loyalty and/or customer satisfaction is something that is not referenced at all. In this way, the firm could most certainly benefit from a recalibration of the mission statement and vision that it currently displays (Zara 2011). Although it is heartening to see the that the firm pays such a great deal of attention to the environment and environmental concerns, completely ignoring the role and importance that the customer plays with relation to the business model is perhaps shortsighted. Description of the career you considered and why you found it attractive. Choose one describe what academic degrees, business experience, language skills etc that you will need to be successful. After reviewing the great diversity of careers that are available to the individual interested in a career in marketing, I was particularly drawn to a career in public relations. Public relations and market outreach is a field that interests me because it goes beyond merely marketing a product and directly incorporates elements of social interaction and company representation. In such a way, the individual who works within such a career is ultimately responsible for seeking to challenge public opinion and represent the firm/organization in time of difficulties and in times of success. Ultimately, it is the challenge of such a position that is attractive due to the fact that many individuals employed in public relations type marketing jobs have had the distinct ability to fundamentally alter the means by which the public views the firm and the ultimate product or service offerings they represent (Laskin 2012). Such is not the norm however but it is a possibility for the individual tha t works in such a field. With respect to the particular type of skills and knowledge that is required for such a job, the website that was analyzed to inform his report stated that a degree in good standing from a four year university or college was ultimately a requirement. Furthermore, although there was no experience requirement for beginning within such a career, ultimately representing the firm to the public would be something that would most certainly require much experience as well as supreme command of verbal and written skills and exceptionally high quality people skills. Q3) What kinds of jobs are available, where are the jobs available, what types of skill sets are required for international marketing jobs For the most part, the types of marketing jobs that were represented were entry level with the remainder being upper level management positions. As such, there were very few offerings for individuals within the middle of their career with a reasonable modicum of experie nce. Moreover, the types of jobs centered on promotions and individual store marketing. When building the search query for this particular part of the assignment I wanted to have one that was as broad as possible so that it would be certain to capture even the international opportunities that exist within the field. Almost without exception, the greatest number of international job openings was with relation to the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Fresh Food is always better than Frozen Food Essay
Fresh Food is always better than Frozen Food - Essay Example Over the years the market for frozen food has grown tremendously. Market research has revealed that many of the consumers use frozen food because they find the â€Å"Ready-to-Eat†deli lines a very convenient option because with the passage of time life is becoming very fast paced and going through the hassle of cooking food appears to be a waste of time when convenient food solutions are present for the consumers. But the important question here is how far consumers are willing to go for convenience? Would they disregard the fact that frozen food carries with it the potential of harmful bacteria and diseases which can result in serious illnesses? There has been a lot of debate over the health implications of frozen foods, many believe it to be a myth but some researchers have proven that if frozen food is not cooked at the optimum temperature then it can adversely affect the health of the consumers. According to experts frozen food is safe if it is made sure that it is stored below zero degrees centigrade at all times. Freezing food slows down the activity of the microorganisms present in the food but does not inhibit it altogether. Therefore, when the food is left to thaw the rate of activity of the microorganisms is much more than that of fresh food. Consequently, if frozen food is not cooked immediately it can be very harmful for the human body. Moreover, the enzymatic activity causes chemical reactions in food which are not halted by freezing. This enzymatic activity can cause health problems when frozen vegetables are eaten and are not particularly dangerous in terms of meat and fish. To ensure that frozen vegetables are safe to eat they first need to either be blanched or partially cooked for some time before frozen (United states Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service , 2-3). Our argument here is why go through so much hassle and stress regarding health when one can avoid it by using fresh food? When using fresh food one can be sure of the fact that all the ingredients used have been hand-picked by the consumer and that he has himself cooked them therefore the element of a lack of hygiene does not hold true while using fresh food. Listeria is the name of a pathogen which is not very commonly known to the masses. This pathogen causes severe food-poisoning and surprisingly patients infected by the Listeria pathogen are hospitalized the most compared to other food-poisoning pathogens such as the E.Coli bacteria, which the masses are more aware of but is milder when compared to Listeria. The major difference between Listeria other food-borne pathogens is that Listeria can throve in an atmosphere of low oxygen and low temperatures. Consequently, in frozen ready-to-eat meals the Listeria content is very high. The listeria content is particularly high in frozen food containing meat or poultry, therefore when people consume such a diet they are vulnerable to being exposed to a harmful pathogen such as Listeria which can affect the well-being of the individual by initially starting off as a mere flu and moving on to even a nervous system infection. People with low immunity need to be particularly careful when consuming products that are otherwise considered not very safe to eat such as frozen ready-to-eat meals. Moreover, people suffering from diseases such as AIDS,
Discuss how psychology can help us understand people's behaviour Essay
Discuss how psychology can help us understand people's behaviour - Essay Example Psychology is the â€Å"science of behavior and processes†(Nevid, 2009, p. 4). Plotnik and Kouyoumdjian (2011) inserted systematic into the previous definition, which seemed appropriate. However, it is the definition provided by Bernstein (2011) best fits the goals of this paper - psychology is â€Å"the science that seeks to understand behavior and mental processes and to apply that understanding in the service of human welfare†(p. 3). Psychology facilitates understanding of human behavior by addressing its four main goals – to describe, explain, predict and control behavior. One way by which psychology helps in understanding human behavior is by describing it. Psychologists address questions pertaining to human behavior by description of observable behaviors. The term describing in psychology refers to naming or classifying, and involves the preparation of a comprehensive record of behavior based on observation (Coon and Mitterer, 2009). As explained in Plotn ik and Kouyoumdjian (2011), describing behaviors and mental processes of autistic children about their difficulties in learning language helps psychologists understand their behavior. A case in point would be Donna. As a child, Donna recounts that she does not understand what people were saying, simply sounds with no particular meaning. These senseless sounds bothered Donna and she reacts by endlessly tapping or twirling in fingers since these movements hold her attention and allows her to escape from a non-sensible environment (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2011). Psychologists were able to solve the tapping and twirling puzzle by observing Donna and describing the circumstances which would trigger tapping or twirling. It should, however, be made clear at this point that describing observed behaviors benefits both normal humans or those who are mentally challenged like the autistic Donna in Plotnik and Kouyoumdjian (2011). Psychology paved the way for the development Sternberg’s T riarchic Theory. In this theory, Sternberg proposed a framework for teaching and assessment for any grade level or subject by which teaching and evaluation may be designed to highlight the three abilities analytical, analytic, practical, as well as memory. The framework consists of a description or listing of activities which were proven to facilitate analytic, creative and practical learning and sharpen the memory of the students (Snowman, McCown, & Biehler, 2009). Thus, as already discussed, psychology can help in the understanding of human behavior by observing and describing learning behavior to facilitate learning among normal students and to understand learning difficulties among individuals with learning disabilities. Coon and Mitterer (2009), however, argued that describing alone would not help explain behavioral phenomenon. Hence, psychologists also attempt to explain various phenomena in order to understand human behavior. Finding explanations for various behavioral phenom ena assists in discovering the causes of human behavior (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2011). Psychology helps explain why students miss classes, why they obtain low achievement scores, why divorce is on the rise, why STD claims many victims despite the known perils of contracting it. From a mere description of observed behavior, psychology goes beyond listing by explaining the causes of behavior. Psychological breakthroughs in autism helped explain it is not really caused by cold and rejecting parents
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Does the Mission Statement or Vision of the firm reflect the companys Case Study
Does the Mission Statement or Vision of the firm reflect the companys focus on customers - Case Study Example As such, without a clear focus on the consumer, for those interested parties who review the mission and or vision statement, the emphasis that the firm places n achieving a degree of customer loyalty and/or customer satisfaction is something that is not referenced at all. In this way, the firm could most certainly benefit from a recalibration of the mission statement and vision that it currently displays (Zara 2011). Although it is heartening to see the that the firm pays such a great deal of attention to the environment and environmental concerns, completely ignoring the role and importance that the customer plays with relation to the business model is perhaps shortsighted. Description of the career you considered and why you found it attractive. Choose one describe what academic degrees, business experience, language skills etc that you will need to be successful. After reviewing the great diversity of careers that are available to the individual interested in a career in marketing, I was particularly drawn to a career in public relations. Public relations and market outreach is a field that interests me because it goes beyond merely marketing a product and directly incorporates elements of social interaction and company representation. In such a way, the individual who works within such a career is ultimately responsible for seeking to challenge public opinion and represent the firm/organization in time of difficulties and in times of success. Ultimately, it is the challenge of such a position that is attractive due to the fact that many individuals employed in public relations type marketing jobs have had the distinct ability to fundamentally alter the means by which the public views the firm and the ultimate product or service offerings they represent (Laskin 2012). Such is not the norm however but it is a possibility for the individual tha t works in such a field. With respect to the particular type of skills and knowledge that is required for such a job, the website that was analyzed to inform his report stated that a degree in good standing from a four year university or college was ultimately a requirement. Furthermore, although there was no experience requirement for beginning within such a career, ultimately representing the firm to the public would be something that would most certainly require much experience as well as supreme command of verbal and written skills and exceptionally high quality people skills. Q3) What kinds of jobs are available, where are the jobs available, what types of skill sets are required for international marketing jobs For the most part, the types of marketing jobs that were represented were entry level with the remainder being upper level management positions. As such, there were very few offerings for individuals within the middle of their career with a reasonable modicum of experie nce. Moreover, the types of jobs centered on promotions and individual store marketing. When building the search query for this particular part of the assignment I wanted to have one that was as broad as possible so that it would be certain to capture even the international opportunities that exist within the field. Almost without exception, the greatest number of international job openings was with relation to the
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Discuss how psychology can help us understand people's behaviour Essay
Discuss how psychology can help us understand people's behaviour - Essay Example Psychology is the â€Å"science of behavior and processes†(Nevid, 2009, p. 4). Plotnik and Kouyoumdjian (2011) inserted systematic into the previous definition, which seemed appropriate. However, it is the definition provided by Bernstein (2011) best fits the goals of this paper - psychology is â€Å"the science that seeks to understand behavior and mental processes and to apply that understanding in the service of human welfare†(p. 3). Psychology facilitates understanding of human behavior by addressing its four main goals – to describe, explain, predict and control behavior. One way by which psychology helps in understanding human behavior is by describing it. Psychologists address questions pertaining to human behavior by description of observable behaviors. The term describing in psychology refers to naming or classifying, and involves the preparation of a comprehensive record of behavior based on observation (Coon and Mitterer, 2009). As explained in Plotn ik and Kouyoumdjian (2011), describing behaviors and mental processes of autistic children about their difficulties in learning language helps psychologists understand their behavior. A case in point would be Donna. As a child, Donna recounts that she does not understand what people were saying, simply sounds with no particular meaning. These senseless sounds bothered Donna and she reacts by endlessly tapping or twirling in fingers since these movements hold her attention and allows her to escape from a non-sensible environment (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2011). Psychologists were able to solve the tapping and twirling puzzle by observing Donna and describing the circumstances which would trigger tapping or twirling. It should, however, be made clear at this point that describing observed behaviors benefits both normal humans or those who are mentally challenged like the autistic Donna in Plotnik and Kouyoumdjian (2011). Psychology paved the way for the development Sternberg’s T riarchic Theory. In this theory, Sternberg proposed a framework for teaching and assessment for any grade level or subject by which teaching and evaluation may be designed to highlight the three abilities analytical, analytic, practical, as well as memory. The framework consists of a description or listing of activities which were proven to facilitate analytic, creative and practical learning and sharpen the memory of the students (Snowman, McCown, & Biehler, 2009). Thus, as already discussed, psychology can help in the understanding of human behavior by observing and describing learning behavior to facilitate learning among normal students and to understand learning difficulties among individuals with learning disabilities. Coon and Mitterer (2009), however, argued that describing alone would not help explain behavioral phenomenon. Hence, psychologists also attempt to explain various phenomena in order to understand human behavior. Finding explanations for various behavioral phenom ena assists in discovering the causes of human behavior (Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian, 2011). Psychology helps explain why students miss classes, why they obtain low achievement scores, why divorce is on the rise, why STD claims many victims despite the known perils of contracting it. From a mere description of observed behavior, psychology goes beyond listing by explaining the causes of behavior. Psychological breakthroughs in autism helped explain it is not really caused by cold and rejecting parents
The interest of the reader Throughout Essay Example for Free
The interest of the reader Throughout Essay In the story the Adventure of the Speckled Band a girl dies mysteriously. No one knows how she died, and her sister, fearing for her own life, goes to see Sherlock Holmes. She tells him all about the mysterious death of her sister and he goes to her home, with his assistant Dr Watson, to investigate. They stay in the room that the girl was in when she died and discover that theres an air-vent that runs from the stepfathers bedroom to the girls bedroom. The bed is bolted to the floor so it cant be moved away from the wall and theres a bell-pull by the bed that isnt connected, its fake. In the end they discover that the stepfather wasnt happy about the girl getting married because he didnt want her husband to get her money so he killed her using an Indian Swamp Adder the Speckled Band. As the sister of the dead girl was getting married, the stepfather moved her into her sisters bedroom, next to his, and tried to kill her before she married. The relationship between the stepfather and the two women was not the best of father-daughter relationships. They hated him and he didnt exactly like them because theyd inherit his money when he died. The mystery was solved and his plan backfired, the snake bit him and killed him instantly, before he had a chance to kill the daughter. Conan Doyle keeps the reader in suspense throughout the story. He does this by giving the reader clues, which dont make sense when theyre first given, and lead you down the wrong path completely. These are called red herrings, something that make you think one thing when its actually something completely different. In the end all the clues Conan Doyle has given make sense. The story keeps the reader in suspense because its a mystery story. As its to do with a murder, that makes the story more exciting and makes you want to read on and find out what actually happens at the end and what conclusion Sherlock Holmes comes to at the end and whether or not its correct. I thought this story was a bit boring, as it was 19th century. Back then it would probably have been thought to be a very good story, but I prefer more up-to-date stories. I didnt find it that bad or that good. Im glad it wasnt too long because I would probably have got very fed up of it if it had gone on and on and on. It gave you all the facts and information you needed and didnt go on and on about one thing for too long. It was kept short and sweet. In that way I thought it was ok. In the story the stepfather is a doctor and worked over in India but got sent back to England because of his violent temper, as he struck a person for something that wasnt their fault. The doctor had animals imported from countries hed worked in, e. g. ) India. He kept a cheetah, an orangutan, which everyone knew about in the village, and an Indian swamp adder, (the speckled band), which no one except the doctor, knew about. In the story the doctor rents out some of the land he owns to some gypsies. At first when people hear about the mysterious death at the manor, some think that it was the cheetah or the orangutan that had killed Julia, and some think the speckled band was a bandanna that the gypsies wore and that it was one of them that had murdered her. Others didnt know what to think. After some investigating, Sherlock Holmes solved the mystery, with the help of his assistant, Dr Watson, and the story had a happy ending. Helen, Julias sister got married and the doctor, her stepfather, got killed by the swamp adder he was going to use to kill Helen like he did Julia.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Stoichiometry Calculations Essay
Stoichiometry Calculations Essay Regina Marin Chapter 12: Stoichiometry SECTION 1 – WHAT IS STOICHIOMETRY? Mole-Mass Relationships in chemical reactions The balance equations is the main basis of stoichiometry, and that is the first thing to do when you want to measure a chemical process. The information provided by the chemical equation is interpreted according to the needs. And the mole is associated with the molecular weight, the molar ratios of an equation can be associated with certain of the substances involved by the mol mass. The transformations that occur in a chemical reaction is governed by the law of conservation of mass: Atoms are neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction. Let`s try to interpret an equation in terms of moles, particles, and mass. Remeber 2 important facts: The coefficient indicates the amount of molecules The coefficient also indicates the amount of moles Then lets get the mass of the reactants and the products by using conversion. Moles reactant/product * grams reactant/product / 1 mole reactant/product = grams reactant Mole Ratios We know that there is a direct relationship between mole and molecule. This relationship is Avogadros number. A mole always contains Avogadros number of molecules. Thus the relationships between molecules given by the stoichiometric coefficients are also valid for moles. When a chemical reaction in the molar ratios of reactants and products are given, if you can have fractional stoichiometric coefficients, since the amounts of molecules involved are very high, and we can talk about half mole of molecules or of a third mole of molecules. Stoichiometric coefficients indicate the proportion that the moles of reactants and products involved in a chemical reaction. SECTION 2 – STOICHIOMETRIC CALCULATIONS Stoichiometric mole-to-mole Conversion In this type of reaction the starting material is expressed in moles, and the desired substance are requested in moles. In stoichiometric calculations results are reported be rounded to two decimals. Similarly, the atomic masses of elements should be used rounded to two decimals. Recalling: Rounding to two decimal places, we use as a basis the third decimal. If this is greater than or equal to 5, increase one unit to two decimal places; if less than or equal to 4 the second decimal lacifra be retained. So let`s see the steps to make a mole to mole conversion: STEP 1: Balancing the equation Reviewing the equation we make sure that is really well balanced. We can represent the balanced equation in the data and the unknown exercise. STEP 2: Identify We need to identify the substance that we are looking for and the one that we are starting of. STEP 3: Apply the mole ratio. The moles of desired substance and starting the get from the balanced equation. Stoichiometric mole-to-mas Conversion To find the mass of a product, is enough to multiply the moles of the product by it`s molecular weight in g / mol. Stoichiometric mass-to-mass conversion Molar factor method is based on the ratio of the number of moles between two substances participating in a chemical reaction. Step 1: Balance the equation Step 2: Determine the molar factor, which is equal to the number of moles searched on the number of moles known. Step 3: Find the moles of O2 from O2 500g Step 4: Find the moles of SO3 from the O2 Step 5: We find the grams of SO3 after the SO3 mol 31.25 SECTION 3 – LIMITING REACTANTS Why do Reactions Stop? When adjusted equation, the coefficients represent the number of atoms of each element in the reactants and the products. Also represent the number of molecules and moles of reactants and products. When an equation is set, the stoichiometry is used to find the moles of a product obtained from a known number of moles of a reagent. The mole ratio between reactant and product is obtained from the fitted equation. Sometimes mistakenly believes that the reactions are always used the exact amounts of reagents. However, in normal practice it is usually an excess of one or more reactants are used, to ensure that the widest possible to react the less abundant reactive. Limiting Reactants When a reaction is stopped because just one of the reactants, that reactant is called the limiting reactant. One reactant that has been completely consumed in a chemical reaction is known by the name of limiting reagent as it determines or limits the amount of product formed. â€Å"Limiting reagent is one that is in default based on the balanced chemical equation†2H2 + O2 → 2H2O In the equation above, What is the limiting reactant if we have 10 molecules of hydrogen and 10 oxygen molecules? Need 2 molecules per molecule of H2 O2 But we only have 10 molecules of H2 and 10 molecules of O2. The required ratio is 2: 1 But we have the proportion is 1: 1 It is clear that the excess reagent is the limiting reactant O2 and H2 is How to work with molecules is the same as working with moles. If we now put 15 moles of H2 with 5 moles of O2 so as the stoichiometry of the reaction is such that 1 mol of O2 reacts with 2 moles of H2, then the number of moles of O2 needed to react with all the H2 is 7, 5, and the number of moles of H2 required to react with all the O2 is 10. That is, that after all the oxygen has been consumed, 5 moles of hydrogen left over. The O2 is the limiting reactant One way to solve the problem of what is the limiting reagent is: Calculate the amount of product to be formed for each of the quantities to the reaction reagent. The limiting reactant is one that produces the least amount of product. Excess Reactant The reactant is completely consumed is called the limiting reagent because it determines the amount of product that can be produced in the reaction. When the limiting reactant is consumed, the reaction is stopped. The reactant reacts not completely, but plenty, is called the excess reagent. If we have a certain amount two elements or compounds to produce a chemical reaction, we can know in advance what will be the limiting reagent and excess reagent which, making some calculations based on the balanced chemical equation. SECTION 4 – PERCENT YIELD How much product? When the stoichiometric calculations for finding as a substance produced in a chemical reaction is made, it is expected that the amount produced of the substance will always be less than the amount of the substance to be obtained , this happens because not everything reacts completely converted to product , ie not all that does react 100% . Because of this, in stoichiometry concept yield percentage is included , the percent yield is a chemical reaction is the ratio between the actual performance and theoretical performance, the ratio of grams that actually occur in the reaction and grams that would be obtained if all you react is transformed into product. If a problem involving a chemical reaction term refers to the theoretical yield of a reaction means that we take as if everything becomes reactive product , otherwise we would be talking about an actual performance. The equation used to solve problems that involve the performance of a chemical reaction is as follows: . % Yield = (actual yield ( g ) ) / (theoretical yield ( g ) ) Ãâ€" 100 % If a problem of chemical reaction we give grams that actually produce a substance by reacting certain amount of reactant either molar or mass , it can find the percentage yield of the reaction using this equation, because they would not be given the actual performance and theoretical performance assuming that the substance would find completely react .
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Myth of Powerlessness :: essays research papers fc
Linda McQuaig's book, The Cult of Impotence: Selling the Myth of Powerlessness in the Global Economy, is a refreshing new approach to viewing the current state of global economy and Canada’s place in it. In recent years, such mysterious terms as fiscal deficits, natural rate of unemployment, stock market fluctuations, interest rate cuts and zero inflation and so on, have received an exceptional level of public consideration. Nevertheless, in spite of the now generally acceptable importance of the terms, their meaning an the effects of the domestic economic policies is left for the â€Å"professional†economists to analyze and present the public, as well as nation’s governing bodies with a list of remedies. Their guiding logic and principles are rarely questioned and more rarely fully understood. In such an environment, McQuaig has earned a wide audience for her writings by stripping away the aura of complexity from controversial economic issues and making them a ccessible and relevant to a general audience. Challenging the opinions of the â€Å"experts†, she is trying to bring back the debatable economic policies of the â€Å"global age†to democratic accountability. McQuaig is a notable journalist and a writer, who has written a number of books on the state of affairs that Canada’s economy is. Unlike her previous books that she has written ,discussing deficit reduction and cuts to social programs among others, this time she drifted away from the specifics and focused on our general view and acceptance of the economic processes. In the book, she attacks nation’s political passivity and acceptance of the believed fact that the domestic economy fully depends on the global market situation and that is should follow the trends. Trapped in this view, governments act as a victims to the global economic process and accepts an its people and impose this view on the electorate. Canada’s economic troubles is not unique. Although, Canada is enjoying a period of relative economic growth, and the level of unemployment is at its lowest level since April 1976 at 6.8% in January 2001 (Tam). However, these 6.8% still mean 1.1 million people jobless. McQuaig argues that combating the unemployment should be the number one national economic policy, at times at the expense of the corporate and governmental financial institutions and currency speculators. The fiscal conservatism of Bank of Canada under Gordon Thiessen, the bank’s governor, and anti-inflationism which have become, it seems, the idà ©e fixe for most state financiers became a source of tremendous political apathy, hindering the capacity of elected officials to carry through on their more progressive and egalitarian campaign promises.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
England :: essays research papers
England England is a country, and I'm glad I came from it. There are lots of fun things you can do, and a lot of famous sites you can visit. Even though it is far away it really isn't that different from the US. In England the style of clothing is not much different from here. In the summer they wear shorts and short sleeve shirts. In the winter they wear pants and long sleeve shirts. Their climate isn't much different than ours so that's why the style of close is so closely related. A typical Sunday dinner in England is roast beef "which there is called a joint," vegetables, and pie with hot custard sauce. A common snack is fish or french fries. Most people drink tea at most of their meals, but a strong deal of people drink coffee. There are lots of interesting facts about England. The capital of England is London, and the official language spoken in England is English. England has a national song which is "God Save the Queen." In 1986 an estimate of the population in England was 46,821,000. The highest point in England is Scafell Pike, 3,210 ft, and the lowest point in England is The Fens, sea level. In England there is a lot of sites to see, and one of the greatest would be the Tower of London. It is a great fortress, with not to pleasurable memories. In there Queen Elizabeth 1 and Sir Walter Raleigh were imprisoned. Anne Buleyn was killed there. You could take a tour deep below the castle to see the beautiful crown jewels. England is also famous for the Buckingham Palace. There is where the Queen of England lives. At the Buckingham Palace you can see a wonderful ceremony called the Changing of the Guard. In this ceremony men with red tunics
Friday, October 11, 2019
Literary Device Essay
Bianca Lynch Literary device essay In the novel At First Sight by Nicholas Sparks He uses mood to help you understand the main character, this also helps you to empathize with his problems and correlate to how they may feel. Another literary device he uses to help you connect to the novel is imagery; he paints an elaborated picture of the town Jeremy Marsh now lives in with his new wife Lexi. The Author describes Boone Creek, a small town in NC Jeremy Marsh has recently moved to for his fiance Lexi Darnell, as a small country hick town that anyone coming from NYC would be ashamed to call home. As Jeremy starts to feel more at home, His perspective of the town is changed. It changes from being a hick town to somewhere refreshing where he could see himself settling down with Lexi and their Daughter to come he expresses this early on in ch. Four of the novel, â€Å"The last month in Boone creek, boring as it had been, was actually†¦refreshing†(Jeremy pg 52). In fact he gets so used to the town that when he went back home to NY for his bachelor party he felt out of place, as if something just didn’t fit. His brothers and best friend Alvin criticized his clothes, the â€Å"lumberjack†shirt Lexi bought him. Although Jeremy always did consider himself a somewhat â€Å"stylish†man and if he was still living in NY would have never been seen in those clothes by wearing it made him feel somehow connected to Lexi and his new home Boone Creek. As I read this novel I pictured a clean cut New Yorker moving so a small country town and becoming lost in all the small town gossip and unfamiliar country ways. †They’ll talk behind our backs, they’ll gossip, and it’ll take folks along time to forget that we ‘lived in sin’†(Lexi pg. 4) Lexi told Jeremy when trying to explain to him why they couldn’t live together before getting married. What Jeremy could not become accustomed to was the constant gossip about other people’s lives, although this did go on in the city it wasn’t as bad because new Yorkers don’t have enough time in the day to just sit around and talk about other people’s lives. Another literary device Nicholas Sparks used to absorb the readers attention is mood. Throughout the whole first half of the novel I was left in suspense s to how Jeremy and Lexis relationship would turn out. In the first four chapters the author tries to get the reader to think that there may be some kind of unfaithfulness going on between Lexi and Jeremy on Lexi’s part. Jeremy goes to Lexis job early one day to surprise her and she wasn’t there and did not mention getting off early to him beforehand. When he went to look for her he found her on the bench that overlooked the river with Rodney, her childhood love,†until , that is they shifted on the bench, and he then realized they were holding hands. (Jeremy pg. 73), this along with many other unexplained disappearances by Lexi leads to the suspense in the novel. As I read the end when lexi dies after labor it puts me in a doleful mood. With Jeremy mourning his wife’s death and the thought of their baby girl not having a mother in her life, he refuses to go see his daughter; in fact he said he never wanted to see her. Since Lexi died during Claries birth Jeremy feels animosity towards her, when asked if he saw her yet he said no. â€Å"Jeremy turned away. He didn’t want to heart that, didn’t want to hear anything about the baby†¦would he ever be happy again? †(Jeremy pg 258) Doris, Lexi’s grandmother finally convinces him to go see her, â€Å"And in that instance, while staring at his daughter through a thousand tears, he fell in love and wanted nothing more than to hold Claire forever. †(Narrator pg 263). Jeremy learns to accept Lexis death and accept the gift she left behind, Claire. Although the novel jumps from suspense to love to distressing times Nicholas Sparks still manages to consume the readers attention by using mood and imajery.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Management Theories
ABSTRACT Management is the most important part of any organization. No organization can achieve its objectives without proper management. So management is considered the hub of any organization. As society continuously relied on group effort, and as many organized groups have become large, the task of managers has been increasing in importance and complexity. To meet the challenges like competition, efficient and economical uses of sources and maximum output, knowledge of management and theories of management is basic requirement.Henceforth, managerial theory has become crucial in the way managers manage complex organizations. This article will provide the basic information of main management theories and how they have developed. It also addresses the management objectives, functions, goals, and essentiality as well as the requirement skills of a Manger. Relating to my current company – AON Vietnam, member of AON Corporation, the article point out which theory of management fi t best with the style of management in AON Corporation, one of biggest insurance brokers worldwide and what a Manager at AON should do. Topic 1 & 2) CONTENTS I. MAIN MANAGEMENT THEORIES 1. Definition of Management According to Drucker (1974) Management is â€Å"the activity of getting things done with the help of others peoples and resources†. It means that management is a process of accomplishing work with the help of other people. According to Weijrich and Koontz (1993) â€Å"Management is process of planning, leading, organizing and controlling people within a group in order to achieve goals. It is also the guidance and control of action required to execute a program.It indicates that there should be definite plan/program for affective management (Shied, 2010). On the basis of these definitions it can be concluded that management is a process that includes strategic planning, setting objectives, managing resources, developing the human and financial assets needed to achie ve objectives and measuring results. It also includes recording facts and information for later use upon requirement. 2. Management Theories Contemporary theories of management tend to account for and help interpret the rapidly changing nature of today’s organizational environments.Several important management theories which are broadly classified as follows: 1. The Scientific Management School. 2. The Classical Organizational Theory School. 3. The Behavioural School. 4. The Management Science School. 5. Recent developments in Management Theory comprising works such as Systems Approach, Situational or Contingency theory, Chaos theory, and Team Building approach. This discussion will provide a general description of these management theories, how they have developed and the successes that they achieved. A Timeline Overview of Key Management theories pic] a. The Scientific Management School The first management theory is what is popularly referred to as Frederick Taylor’ s Scientific Management. Frederick Taylor (1856 – 1915) started the era of modern management. Taylor consistently sought to overthrow management â€Å"by rule of thumb†and replace it with actual timed observations leading to â€Å"the one best†practice. â€Å"Taylorism†involved breaking down the components of manual tasks in manufacturing environments, timing each movement (‘time and motion' studies) so that there could be a proven best way to perform each task.Thus employees could be trained to be ‘first class' within their job. This type of management was particularly relevant to performance drives e. g ‘Action On' projects. It has to be acknowledged that from an economic standpoint, Taylorism was an extreme success. Application of his methods yielded significant improvements in productivity. For example, improvements such as his shovel work at Bethlehem Works, which reduced the workers needed to shovel from 500 to 140. Henceforth, Taylor proposed four underlying principles of management: First, there is need to develop a ‘science of work’ to replace old rule-of-thumb methods: pay and other rewards linked to achievement of ‘optimum goals’ – measures of work performance and output; failure to achieve these would in contrast result in loss of earnings. – Second, workers to be ‘scientifically’ selected and developed: training each to be ‘first-class’ at some specific task. – Third the ‘science of work’ to be brought together with scientifically selected and trained people to achieve the best results. Finally, work and responsibility to be divided equally between workers and management cooperating together in close interdependence. This was a rigid system where every task became discrete and specialized. However, many critics, both historical and contemporary, have pointed out that Taylor’s theories tend to â€Å"dehumani ze†the workers. Therefore, in summary, while the scientific management technique has been employed to increase productivity and efficiency both in private and public services, it has also had the disadvantages of ignoring many of the human aspects of employment.This led to the creation of boring repetitive jobs with the introduction of systems for tight control and the alienation of shop floor employees from their managers. b. Classical Organizational Theory School In this category of management theory are the works of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory and Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory. Administrative Theory Henri Fayol’s administrative theory mainly focuses on the personal duties of management at a much more granular level. Fayol believed that management had five principle roles: †¢ Forecasting and planning. †¢ Organizing. †¢ Commanding Co-ordinating †¢ Controlling. Forecasting and planning was the act of anticipating the future a nd acting accordingly. Organization was the development of the institution’s resources, both material and human. Commanding was keeping the institution’s actions and processes running. Co-ordination was the alignment and harmonization of the group’s efforts. Finally, control meant that the above activities were performed in accordance with appropriate rules and procedures. Fayol also developed fourteen principles of administration to go along with management’s five primary roles.These principles are: specialization/division of labor, authority with responsibility, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest to the general interest, remuneration of staff, centralization, scalar chain/line of authority, order, equity, stability of tenure, initiative, and esprit de corps. Fayol clearly believed personal effort and team dynamics were part of an â€Å"ideal†organization. Fayol’s five principle roles of management are still actively practiced today. The concept of giving appropriate authority with responsibility is also widely commented on and is well practiced.Unfortunately, his principles of â€Å"unity of command†and â€Å"unity of direction†are consistently violated in â€Å"matrix management†, the structure of choice for many of today’s companies. Bureaucratic Theory Max Weber (1864 – 1924) postulated that western civilization was shifting from â€Å"wertrational†(or value oriented) thinking, affective action (action derived from emotions), and traditional action (action derived from past precedent) to â€Å"zweckational†(or technocratic) thinking. He believed that civilization was changing to seek technically optimal results at the expense of emotional or humanistic content.Through analyses of organizations, Weber identified three basic types of legitimate authority: – Traditional authority: where acceptance of those in authority arose from tradition and custom. – Charismatic authority: where acceptance arises from loyalty to, and confidence in, the personal qualities of the ruler. – Rational-legal authority: where acceptance arises out of the office, or position, of the person in authority as bounded by the rules and procedures of the organization. It is the rational-legal authority form that exists in most organizations today and this is the form to which Weber ascribed the term ‘bureaucracy'.The main features of bureaucracy according to Weber were: †¢ A continuous organization or functions bounded by rules. †¢ That individual functioned within the limits of the specialization of the work, the degree of authority allocated and the rules governing the exercise of authority. †¢ A hierarchical structure of offices. †¢ Appointment to offices made on the grounds of technical competence only. †¢ The separation of officials from the ownership of the organization. †¢ The authority was vested in the official positions and not in the personalities that held these posts.Rules, decisions and actions were formulated and recorded in writing. It is not coincidence that Weber's writings were at a time of the major industrial revolutions and the growth of large complex organizations out of the cottage industries and/or entrepreneurial businesses. c. Behavioural School The key scholar under this category is Elton Mayo. The origin of behavioralism is the human relations movement that was a result of the Hawthorne Works Experiment that started in the early 1920s. Elton Mayo and his associates’ experiments disproved Taylor’s beliefs that science dictated hat the highest productivity was found in ‘the one best way’ and that way could be obtained by controlled experiment. The Hawthorne studies attempted to determine the effects of lighting on worker productivity. When these experiments showed no clear correlati on between light level and productivity the experiments then started looking at other factors. These factors that were considered when Mayo was working with a group of women included no rest breaks, no free more hours in the work-day/work-week or fewer hours in the workday/work-week.With each of these changes, productivity went up. When the women were put back to their original hours and conditions, they set a productivity record. These results showed that the group dynamics and social makeup of an organization were an important force either for or against higher productivity. This outcome caused the call for greater participation for the workers, greater trust and openness in the working environment, and a greater attention to teams and groups in the work place.Finally, while Taylor’s impacts were the establishment of the industrial engineering, quality control and personnel departments, the human relations movement’s greatest impact came in what the organization†™s leadership and personnel department were doing. The seemingly new concepts of â€Å"group dynamics†, â€Å"teamwork†, and organizational â€Å"social systems†, all stem from Mayo’s work in the mid-1920s. d. Management Science Theories Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) postulated management ideas as contained in â€Å"Theory X†and â€Å"Theory Y†.Using human behaviour research, he noted that the way an organization runs depends on the beliefs of its managers. â€Å"Theory X†gives a negative view of human behaviour and management that he considered to have dominated management theory from Fayol onwards – especially Taylorism. It also assumes that most people are basically immature, need direction and control, and are incapable of taking responsibility. They are viewed as lazy, dislike work and need a mixture of financial inducements and threat of loss of their job to make them work (‘carrot and stick’ mentality). T heory Y†, the opposite of â€Å"Theory X†, argues that people want to fulfil themselves by seeking self-respect, self-development, and self-fulfilment at work as in life in general. The six basic assumptions for ‘Theory Y’ are: work is as natural as play or rest – the average human being does not inherently dislike work, whether work is a source of pleasure or a punishment (to be avoided) depends on nature of the work and its management. Second, effort at work need not depend on threat of punishment – if committed to objectives then self-direction and self-control rather than external controls.Third, commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. Satisfaction of ego and self-actualization needs can be directed towards the objectives of the organization. Fourth, the average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility. Fifth, high degrees of imagination, ing enuity and creativity are not restricted to a narrow group but are widely distributed in the population. Lastly, under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentials of the average human being are being only partly utilized. . Recent Developments in Management Theory Under this category of theory are the Systems Approach, Situational or Contingency theory, Chaos theory, and Team Building theory. The systems theory has had a significant effect on management science and understanding organizations. A system is a collection of part unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one part of the system is removed, the nature of the system is changed as well. A system can be looked at as having inputs (e. g. , resources such as raw materials, money, technologies, and people), processes (e. g. planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling), outputs (products or services) and outcomes (e. g. , enhanced quality of life or productivity for customers/clients, productivity ). Systems share feedback among each of these four aspects of the system. The Chaos theory is advocated by Tom Peters (1942). Chaos theorists suggest that systems naturally go to more complexity, and as they do so, they become more volatile and must, therefore, expend more energy to maintain that complexity. As they expend more energy, they seek more structure to maintain stability.This trend continues until the system splits, combines with another complex system or falls apart entirely. It will need an effective manager for the latter worst scenario not to happen. Team Building approach or theory emphasizes quality circles, best practices, and continuous improvement. It is a theory that mainly hinges on reliance on teamwork. It also emphasizes flattening of management pyramid, and reducing the levels of hierarchy. Finally, it is all about consensus management – i. e. , involving more people at all levels in decision-making. 3. Management theory applied to AON II. WHAT A MANA GER DOESManaging, like all other practices – whether medicine, music composition, engineering, accountancy, or even baseball – is an art; it is know-how. It is doing things in the light of the realities of a situation. Managers just don't go out and perform their responsibilities. A good manager should discover how to master 05 basic functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. †¢ Planning: This step involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal. For example, that the organization's goal is to improve company sales. The manager first needs to decide which steps are necessary to accomplish that goal.These steps may include increasing advertising, inventory, and sales staff. These necessary steps are developed into a plan. When the plan is in place, the manager can follow it to accomplish the goal of improving company sales. †¢ Organizing: After a plan is in place, a manager needs to organize his team and materials a ccording to his plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing. †¢ Staffing: After a manager discerns his area's needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing by recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees.A manager in a large organization often works with the company's human resources department to accomplish this goal. †¢ Leading: A manager needs to do more than just plan, organize, and staff her team to achieve a goal. She must also lead. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and encouraging. It requires the manager to coach, assist, and problem solve with employees. †¢ Controlling: After the other elements are in place, a manager's job is not finished. He needs to continuously check results against goals and take any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his area's plans remain on track.All managers at all levels of every organization perform these functions, but the amount of time a manager spends on each one depends on both the level of management and the specific organization. Roles performed by managers In his classic book, The Nature of Managerial Work, Henry Mintzberg describes a set of ten roles that a manager fills. These roles fall into three categories: †¢ Interpersonal: This role involves human interaction. †¢ Informational: This role involves the sharing and analyzing of information. †¢ Decisional: This role involves decision making.The below table contains a more in-depth look at each category of roles that help managers carry out all five functions described in the preceding â€Å"Functions of Managers†section. Mintzberg's Set of Ten Roles | | |Category | |Role | |Activity | | |Informational | |Monitor | |Seek and receive information; scan periodicals and reports; maintain personal contact with stakeholders. | | | | | |Disseminator | |Forward information to organization members via memos, reports, an d phone calls. | | | | |Spokesperson | |Transmit information to outsiders via reports, memos, and speeches. | | | |Interpersonal | |Figurehead | |Perform ceremonial and symbolic duties, such as greeting visitors and signing legal documents. | | | | |Leader | |Direct and motivate subordinates; counsel and communicate with subordinates. | | | | |Liaison | |Maintain information links both inside and outside organization via mail, phone calls, and meetings. | | |Decisional | |Entrepreneur | |Initiate improvement projects; identify new ideas and delegate idea responsibility to thers. | | | | | |Disturbance handler | |Take corrective action during disputes or crises; resolve conflicts among subordinates; adapt to environments. | | | | |Resource allocator | |Decide who gets resources; prepare budgets; set schedules and determine priorities. | | | | |Negotiator | |Represent department during negotiations of union contracts, sales, purchases, and budgets. | | | Skills needed by managers Not everyone can be a manager. Certain skills, or abilities to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance, are required to help other employees become more productive. These skills fall under the following categories: Technical: This skill requires the ability to use a special proficiency or expertise to perform particular tasks. Accountants, engineers, market researchers, and computer scientists, as examples, possess technical skills. Managers acquire these skills initially through formal education and then further develop them through training and job experience. Technical skills are most important at lower levels of management. †¢ Human: This skill demonstrates the ability to work well in cooperation with others. Human skills emerge in the workplace as a spirit of trust, enthusiasm, and genuine involvement in interpersonal relationships. A anager with good human skills has a high degree of self-awareness and a capacity to understand or empathize with the feelings of others. Some managers are naturally born with great human skills, while others improve their skills through classes or experience. No matter how human skills are acquired, they're critical for all managers because of the highly interpersonal nature of managerial work. †¢ Conceptual: This skill calls for the ability to think analytically. Analytical skills enable managers to break down problems into smaller parts, to see the relations among the parts, and to recognize the implications of any one problem for others.As managers assume ever-higher responsibilities in organizations, they must deal with more ambiguous problems that have long-term consequences. Again, managers may acquire these skills initially through formal education and then further develop them by training and job experience. The higher the management level, the more important conceptual skills become. †¢ Designing skill is the ability to solve problems in wa ys that will benefit the enterprise. To be effective, particularly at upper organizational levels, managers must be able to do more than see a problem.In addition, they must have the skill of a good design engineer in working out a practical solution to a problem. Managers must also have that valuable skill of being able to design a workable solution to the problem in the light of the realities they face. It has, however, got to be mentioned that the relative importance of these skills may differ at various levels in the organization hierarchy. Although all four categories contain skills essential for managers, their relative importance tends to vary by level of managerial responsibility. Management Theories ABSTRACT Management is the most important part of any organization. No organization can achieve its objectives without proper management. So management is considered the hub of any organization. As society continuously relied on group effort, and as many organized groups have become large, the task of managers has been increasing in importance and complexity. To meet the challenges like competition, efficient and economical uses of sources and maximum output, knowledge of management and theories of management is basic requirement.Henceforth, managerial theory has become crucial in the way managers manage complex organizations. This article will provide the basic information of main management theories and how they have developed. It also addresses the management objectives, functions, goals, and essentiality as well as the requirement skills of a Manger. Relating to my current company – AON Vietnam, member of AON Corporation, the article point out which theory of management fi t best with the style of management in AON Corporation, one of biggest insurance brokers worldwide and what a Manager at AON should do. Topic 1 & 2) CONTENTS I. MAIN MANAGEMENT THEORIES 1. Definition of Management According to Drucker (1974) Management is â€Å"the activity of getting things done with the help of others peoples and resources†. It means that management is a process of accomplishing work with the help of other people. According to Weijrich and Koontz (1993) â€Å"Management is process of planning, leading, organizing and controlling people within a group in order to achieve goals. It is also the guidance and control of action required to execute a program.It indicates that there should be definite plan/program for affective management (Shied, 2010). On the basis of these definitions it can be concluded that management is a process that includes strategic planning, setting objectives, managing resources, developing the human and financial assets needed to achie ve objectives and measuring results. It also includes recording facts and information for later use upon requirement. 2. Management Theories Contemporary theories of management tend to account for and help interpret the rapidly changing nature of today’s organizational environments.Several important management theories which are broadly classified as follows: 1. The Scientific Management School. 2. The Classical Organizational Theory School. 3. The Behavioural School. 4. The Management Science School. 5. Recent developments in Management Theory comprising works such as Systems Approach, Situational or Contingency theory, Chaos theory, and Team Building approach. This discussion will provide a general description of these management theories, how they have developed and the successes that they achieved. A Timeline Overview of Key Management theories pic] a. The Scientific Management School The first management theory is what is popularly referred to as Frederick Taylor’ s Scientific Management. Frederick Taylor (1856 – 1915) started the era of modern management. Taylor consistently sought to overthrow management â€Å"by rule of thumb†and replace it with actual timed observations leading to â€Å"the one best†practice. â€Å"Taylorism†involved breaking down the components of manual tasks in manufacturing environments, timing each movement (‘time and motion' studies) so that there could be a proven best way to perform each task.Thus employees could be trained to be ‘first class' within their job. This type of management was particularly relevant to performance drives e. g ‘Action On' projects. It has to be acknowledged that from an economic standpoint, Taylorism was an extreme success. Application of his methods yielded significant improvements in productivity. For example, improvements such as his shovel work at Bethlehem Works, which reduced the workers needed to shovel from 500 to 140. Henceforth, Taylor proposed four underlying principles of management: First, there is need to develop a ‘science of work’ to replace old rule-of-thumb methods: pay and other rewards linked to achievement of ‘optimum goals’ – measures of work performance and output; failure to achieve these would in contrast result in loss of earnings. – Second, workers to be ‘scientifically’ selected and developed: training each to be ‘first-class’ at some specific task. – Third the ‘science of work’ to be brought together with scientifically selected and trained people to achieve the best results. Finally, work and responsibility to be divided equally between workers and management cooperating together in close interdependence. This was a rigid system where every task became discrete and specialized. However, many critics, both historical and contemporary, have pointed out that Taylor’s theories tend to â€Å"dehumani ze†the workers. Therefore, in summary, while the scientific management technique has been employed to increase productivity and efficiency both in private and public services, it has also had the disadvantages of ignoring many of the human aspects of employment.This led to the creation of boring repetitive jobs with the introduction of systems for tight control and the alienation of shop floor employees from their managers. b. Classical Organizational Theory School In this category of management theory are the works of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory and Max Weber’s bureaucratic theory. Administrative Theory Henri Fayol’s administrative theory mainly focuses on the personal duties of management at a much more granular level. Fayol believed that management had five principle roles: †¢ Forecasting and planning. †¢ Organizing. †¢ Commanding Co-ordinating †¢ Controlling. Forecasting and planning was the act of anticipating the future a nd acting accordingly. Organization was the development of the institution’s resources, both material and human. Commanding was keeping the institution’s actions and processes running. Co-ordination was the alignment and harmonization of the group’s efforts. Finally, control meant that the above activities were performed in accordance with appropriate rules and procedures. Fayol also developed fourteen principles of administration to go along with management’s five primary roles.These principles are: specialization/division of labor, authority with responsibility, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest to the general interest, remuneration of staff, centralization, scalar chain/line of authority, order, equity, stability of tenure, initiative, and esprit de corps. Fayol clearly believed personal effort and team dynamics were part of an â€Å"ideal†organization. Fayol’s five principle roles of management are still actively practiced today. The concept of giving appropriate authority with responsibility is also widely commented on and is well practiced.Unfortunately, his principles of â€Å"unity of command†and â€Å"unity of direction†are consistently violated in â€Å"matrix management†, the structure of choice for many of today’s companies. Bureaucratic Theory Max Weber (1864 – 1924) postulated that western civilization was shifting from â€Å"wertrational†(or value oriented) thinking, affective action (action derived from emotions), and traditional action (action derived from past precedent) to â€Å"zweckational†(or technocratic) thinking. He believed that civilization was changing to seek technically optimal results at the expense of emotional or humanistic content.Through analyses of organizations, Weber identified three basic types of legitimate authority: – Traditional authority: where acceptance of those in authority arose from tradition and custom. – Charismatic authority: where acceptance arises from loyalty to, and confidence in, the personal qualities of the ruler. – Rational-legal authority: where acceptance arises out of the office, or position, of the person in authority as bounded by the rules and procedures of the organization. It is the rational-legal authority form that exists in most organizations today and this is the form to which Weber ascribed the term ‘bureaucracy'.The main features of bureaucracy according to Weber were: †¢ A continuous organization or functions bounded by rules. †¢ That individual functioned within the limits of the specialization of the work, the degree of authority allocated and the rules governing the exercise of authority. †¢ A hierarchical structure of offices. †¢ Appointment to offices made on the grounds of technical competence only. †¢ The separation of officials from the ownership of the organization. †¢ The authority was vested in the official positions and not in the personalities that held these posts.Rules, decisions and actions were formulated and recorded in writing. It is not coincidence that Weber's writings were at a time of the major industrial revolutions and the growth of large complex organizations out of the cottage industries and/or entrepreneurial businesses. c. Behavioural School The key scholar under this category is Elton Mayo. The origin of behavioralism is the human relations movement that was a result of the Hawthorne Works Experiment that started in the early 1920s. Elton Mayo and his associates’ experiments disproved Taylor’s beliefs that science dictated hat the highest productivity was found in ‘the one best way’ and that way could be obtained by controlled experiment. The Hawthorne studies attempted to determine the effects of lighting on worker productivity. When these experiments showed no clear correlati on between light level and productivity the experiments then started looking at other factors. These factors that were considered when Mayo was working with a group of women included no rest breaks, no free more hours in the work-day/work-week or fewer hours in the workday/work-week.With each of these changes, productivity went up. When the women were put back to their original hours and conditions, they set a productivity record. These results showed that the group dynamics and social makeup of an organization were an important force either for or against higher productivity. This outcome caused the call for greater participation for the workers, greater trust and openness in the working environment, and a greater attention to teams and groups in the work place.Finally, while Taylor’s impacts were the establishment of the industrial engineering, quality control and personnel departments, the human relations movement’s greatest impact came in what the organization†™s leadership and personnel department were doing. The seemingly new concepts of â€Å"group dynamics†, â€Å"teamwork†, and organizational â€Å"social systems†, all stem from Mayo’s work in the mid-1920s. d. Management Science Theories Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) postulated management ideas as contained in â€Å"Theory X†and â€Å"Theory Y†.Using human behaviour research, he noted that the way an organization runs depends on the beliefs of its managers. â€Å"Theory X†gives a negative view of human behaviour and management that he considered to have dominated management theory from Fayol onwards – especially Taylorism. It also assumes that most people are basically immature, need direction and control, and are incapable of taking responsibility. They are viewed as lazy, dislike work and need a mixture of financial inducements and threat of loss of their job to make them work (‘carrot and stick’ mentality). T heory Y†, the opposite of â€Å"Theory X†, argues that people want to fulfil themselves by seeking self-respect, self-development, and self-fulfilment at work as in life in general. The six basic assumptions for ‘Theory Y’ are: work is as natural as play or rest – the average human being does not inherently dislike work, whether work is a source of pleasure or a punishment (to be avoided) depends on nature of the work and its management. Second, effort at work need not depend on threat of punishment – if committed to objectives then self-direction and self-control rather than external controls.Third, commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. Satisfaction of ego and self-actualization needs can be directed towards the objectives of the organization. Fourth, the average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept but to seek responsibility. Fifth, high degrees of imagination, ing enuity and creativity are not restricted to a narrow group but are widely distributed in the population. Lastly, under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentials of the average human being are being only partly utilized. . Recent Developments in Management Theory Under this category of theory are the Systems Approach, Situational or Contingency theory, Chaos theory, and Team Building theory. The systems theory has had a significant effect on management science and understanding organizations. A system is a collection of part unified to accomplish an overall goal. If one part of the system is removed, the nature of the system is changed as well. A system can be looked at as having inputs (e. g. , resources such as raw materials, money, technologies, and people), processes (e. g. planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling), outputs (products or services) and outcomes (e. g. , enhanced quality of life or productivity for customers/clients, productivity ). Systems share feedback among each of these four aspects of the system. The Chaos theory is advocated by Tom Peters (1942). Chaos theorists suggest that systems naturally go to more complexity, and as they do so, they become more volatile and must, therefore, expend more energy to maintain that complexity. As they expend more energy, they seek more structure to maintain stability.This trend continues until the system splits, combines with another complex system or falls apart entirely. It will need an effective manager for the latter worst scenario not to happen. Team Building approach or theory emphasizes quality circles, best practices, and continuous improvement. It is a theory that mainly hinges on reliance on teamwork. It also emphasizes flattening of management pyramid, and reducing the levels of hierarchy. Finally, it is all about consensus management – i. e. , involving more people at all levels in decision-making. 3. Management theory applied to AON II. WHAT A MANA GER DOESManaging, like all other practices – whether medicine, music composition, engineering, accountancy, or even baseball – is an art; it is know-how. It is doing things in the light of the realities of a situation. Managers just don't go out and perform their responsibilities. A good manager should discover how to master 05 basic functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. †¢ Planning: This step involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal. For example, that the organization's goal is to improve company sales. The manager first needs to decide which steps are necessary to accomplish that goal.These steps may include increasing advertising, inventory, and sales staff. These necessary steps are developed into a plan. When the plan is in place, the manager can follow it to accomplish the goal of improving company sales. †¢ Organizing: After a plan is in place, a manager needs to organize his team and materials a ccording to his plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing. †¢ Staffing: After a manager discerns his area's needs, he may decide to beef up his staffing by recruiting, selecting, training, and developing employees.A manager in a large organization often works with the company's human resources department to accomplish this goal. †¢ Leading: A manager needs to do more than just plan, organize, and staff her team to achieve a goal. She must also lead. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and encouraging. It requires the manager to coach, assist, and problem solve with employees. †¢ Controlling: After the other elements are in place, a manager's job is not finished. He needs to continuously check results against goals and take any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his area's plans remain on track.All managers at all levels of every organization perform these functions, but the amount of time a manager spends on each one depends on both the level of management and the specific organization. Roles performed by managers In his classic book, The Nature of Managerial Work, Henry Mintzberg describes a set of ten roles that a manager fills. These roles fall into three categories: †¢ Interpersonal: This role involves human interaction. †¢ Informational: This role involves the sharing and analyzing of information. †¢ Decisional: This role involves decision making.The below table contains a more in-depth look at each category of roles that help managers carry out all five functions described in the preceding â€Å"Functions of Managers†section. Mintzberg's Set of Ten Roles | | |Category | |Role | |Activity | | |Informational | |Monitor | |Seek and receive information; scan periodicals and reports; maintain personal contact with stakeholders. | | | | | |Disseminator | |Forward information to organization members via memos, reports, an d phone calls. | | | | |Spokesperson | |Transmit information to outsiders via reports, memos, and speeches. | | | |Interpersonal | |Figurehead | |Perform ceremonial and symbolic duties, such as greeting visitors and signing legal documents. | | | | |Leader | |Direct and motivate subordinates; counsel and communicate with subordinates. | | | | |Liaison | |Maintain information links both inside and outside organization via mail, phone calls, and meetings. | | |Decisional | |Entrepreneur | |Initiate improvement projects; identify new ideas and delegate idea responsibility to thers. | | | | | |Disturbance handler | |Take corrective action during disputes or crises; resolve conflicts among subordinates; adapt to environments. | | | | |Resource allocator | |Decide who gets resources; prepare budgets; set schedules and determine priorities. | | | | |Negotiator | |Represent department during negotiations of union contracts, sales, purchases, and budgets. | | | Skills needed by managers Not everyone can be a manager. Certain skills, or abilities to translate knowledge into action that results in desired performance, are required to help other employees become more productive. These skills fall under the following categories: Technical: This skill requires the ability to use a special proficiency or expertise to perform particular tasks. Accountants, engineers, market researchers, and computer scientists, as examples, possess technical skills. Managers acquire these skills initially through formal education and then further develop them through training and job experience. Technical skills are most important at lower levels of management. †¢ Human: This skill demonstrates the ability to work well in cooperation with others. Human skills emerge in the workplace as a spirit of trust, enthusiasm, and genuine involvement in interpersonal relationships. A anager with good human skills has a high degree of self-awareness and a capacity to understand or empathize with the feelings of others. Some managers are naturally born with great human skills, while others improve their skills through classes or experience. No matter how human skills are acquired, they're critical for all managers because of the highly interpersonal nature of managerial work. †¢ Conceptual: This skill calls for the ability to think analytically. Analytical skills enable managers to break down problems into smaller parts, to see the relations among the parts, and to recognize the implications of any one problem for others.As managers assume ever-higher responsibilities in organizations, they must deal with more ambiguous problems that have long-term consequences. Again, managers may acquire these skills initially through formal education and then further develop them by training and job experience. The higher the management level, the more important conceptual skills become. †¢ Designing skill is the ability to solve problems in wa ys that will benefit the enterprise. To be effective, particularly at upper organizational levels, managers must be able to do more than see a problem.In addition, they must have the skill of a good design engineer in working out a practical solution to a problem. Managers must also have that valuable skill of being able to design a workable solution to the problem in the light of the realities they face. It has, however, got to be mentioned that the relative importance of these skills may differ at various levels in the organization hierarchy. Although all four categories contain skills essential for managers, their relative importance tends to vary by level of managerial responsibility.
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