Monday, September 30, 2019
Music can help Essay
While music has long been recognized as an effective form of therapy to provide an outlet for emotions, the notion of using song, sound frequencies and rhythm to treat physical ailments is a relatively new domain, says psychologist Daniel J. Levitin, PhD, who studies the neuroscience of music at McGill University in Montreal. A wealth of new studies is touting the benefits of music on mental and physical health. For example, in a meta-analysis of 400 studies, Levitin and his postgraduate research fellow, Mona Lisa Chanda, PhD, found that music improves the body’s immune system function and reduces stress. Listening to music was also found to be more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before surgery (Trends in Cognitive Sciences, April, 2013). â€Å"We’ve found compelling evidence that musical interventions can play a health-care role in settings ranging from operating rooms to family clinics,†says Levitin, author of the book â€Å"This is You r Brain on Music†(Plume/Penguin, 2007). The analysis also points to just how music influences health. The researchers found that listening to and playing music increase the body’s production of the antibody immunoglobulin A and natural killer cells  the cells that attack invading viruses and boost the immune system’s effectiveness. Music also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. â€Å"This is one reason why music is associated with relaxation,†Levitin says. One recent study on the link between music and stress found that music can help soothe pediatric emergency room patients (JAMA Pediatrics, July, 2013). In the trial with 42 children ages 3 to 11, University of Alberta researchers found that patients who listened to relaxing music while getting an IV inserted reported significantly less pain, and some demonstrated significantly less distress, compared with patients who did not listen to music. In addition, in the music-listening group, more than two-thirds of the health-care providers reported that the IVs were very easy to administer  compared with 38 percent of providers treating the group that did not listen to music. â€Å"There is growing scientific evidence showing that the brain responds to music in very specific ways,†says Lisa Hartling, PhD, professor of pediatrics at the University of Alberta and lead author of the study. â€Å"Playing music for kids during painful medical procedures is a simple intervention that can make a big difference.†adult patients, too. Researchers at Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in Singapore found that patients in palliative care who took part in live music therapy sessions reported relief from persistent pain (Progress in Palliative Care, July, 2013). Music therapists worked closely with the patients to individually tailor the intervention, and patients took part in singing, instrument playing, lyric discussion and even song writing as they worked toward accepting an illness or weighed end-of-life issues. â€Å"Active music engagement allowed the patients to reconnect with the healthy parts of themselves, even in the face of a debilitating condition or disease-related suffering,†says music therapist Melanie Kwan, co-author of the study and president of the Association for Music Therapy, Singapore. â€Å"When their acute pain symptoms were relieved, patients were finally able to rest.â€
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Marketing Creates Customer Needs Essay
Marketing creates customer needs. The following paper will elucidate how consumers are made not born. Marketing entices customers to try new products or do new things that they may never have thought of before. Commercialism is everywhere you turn. From the glossy ads, pop ups on their computer screen, billboards, emails, tweets, radio, television, telemarketers, etc. You can’t get away from advertising wherever you go. The marketers would not be continuing if it was not so successful in getting people to buy more of what they are selling. The following paragraphs will give examples of successful marketing advertisement campaigns and how they were effective. According to Forbes, for advertising to be effective it needs to be: memorable, connect with the consumer by delivering a person meaningful message that tells them how their product would make their life a better place, stand for values beyond the product itself, and be intricately tied to the brand not to be confused with the competitor. (Greewald, 2014). The article gives several examples of successful ad campaigns. First, the Red Bull gives you wings campaign. The ads are inspirational telling consumers if you use our product you will do everything better from studying to doing your job better. It empowers people and gets them to relate to the product. Next, the Beats Dr. Dre advertising campaign. The advertisements tell the consumer that by wearing these headphones you will be able to overcome your critics and be empowered to believe in yourself. They depict athlete Kevin Garnett blocking out his critics and allowing him to focus on positive thoughts and the music he loves. Both advertisements connect with the consumer on a psychological level. They focus on you relating to our needs to do better and finding greatness in ourselves. It is what most of us tell ourselves every day- don’t listen to the people that are our critics and believe in yourself. Find greatness and believe in yourself sounds more like a motivational s peaker however it works to connect the consumer to the product. According to Forbes both campaigns met all the aspects to be effective. Both these products are not necessary for humans to survive. Both products are considered a want not a need. The advertisers have convinced students far and wide to drink Red Bull because it will help you concentrate more and be successful. We all survived before without these products. They have successfully changed the mindset of consumers who now believe the opposite that they now can’t survive without them. One of the most successful marketing campaigns has been Apples’ I Phones. Hundreds of people stand in line when their newest product becomes available. Everywhere you look people have an I Phone. It is a sign of stature to have the state-of-the- art technology which includes the latest and greatest that Apple has to offer. It has become an item people can’t live without. I lost my I phone for 24 hours and thought I was going to have an anxiety attack. All my personal information, contacts, bank card information is all in the one little phone. I can’t remember any of my important phone numbers anymore because I don’t need to – they are all in the phone. They have made it irreplaceable in our day to day living. This is the ultimate in marketing and sales of a product. I lived 36 years without ever having a cellular phone and survived just fine. Now I see 8 year olds with I phones calling their friends and tweeting! Marketing provides a value to business in that it helps showcase their products and engage consumers in purchasing them. The value to society is that some of these products may make our lives easier and we can benefit from them. In conclusion, I believe that marketing creates a need we didn’t know existed until they showed us their fabulous products. They connect with us, make us believe that what they are offering will improve our lives and are necessary for our existence. I agree that marketers encourage consumers to spend money they do not have on non-essential items. So many Americans have credit card debt. The average American household has nearly $7000 of credit card debt as of December 2013. (Credit Card Debt Statistics, 2013). We continue to spend money on things we don’t really need with money we don’t have. It is a vicious cycle for many Americans that leave them broke and in some instances homeless. References: Credit Card Debt Statistics. (2013). Credit Card Debt Statistics. Greewald, M. (2014, July 10). Secrets of 7 of the Most Effective Ad Campaigns.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Seismic Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Seismic Studies - Essay Example A significant extent of advanced material and effort is required for this technique to be carried out. (Economides, p.1) This similar technique can be used discover any mineral deposits under the seafloors, that by carrying out the similar process in the ocean by means of a ship. In this case not the 'thumper truck' but the technical equipment called the air guns, shoot high pressure air into the water, due to which the energy waves travel to and into the ocean floor, as seismic event occurs when these vibrating wave go through rocks. Unlike the land case, the reflected waves aren't received by the geophones, but the hydrophones actually record and receive these waves. Sophisticated computerization is used to analyze the received waves. The computer application software can easily generate the behavior of these waves graphically and mathematically thus creating a graphical image of the rocks under the crust. A two dimensional figure can be created using the data from a single wave received this is the cross sectional image of the rock underground. A three dimensional figure can be easily generated by a number of two dimensional cross sections that can be produced when the hydrophones or the geophones from a boat or a truck respectively, sends number of vibrating waves through the ground as they move onwards on the sea level or on the ground. (Deffeyes, p. 77-79) The petrole Importance to the Industry The petroleum industry has revolutionized after the introduction of this technique. According to most of the engineers of the industry express that this techniques has substantially improved the success rate of oil drilling, as the highly detailed three dimensional images of the rocks have reduced the elements of uncertainty that maybe present at the oil drilling site. Furthermore the best sites and locations of the oil deposits underground can be located by the geologists and engineers using seismic models, thus also significantly reducing the number of wells that are actually drilled. Thus these advancements have actually raised the quality of the oil extraction processes in terms of precision, speed and productivity.. (Deffeyes, p. 71-72) Seismic reflection surveys have proved to be a hopeful expertise in reviewing the extended regions of entrenched marine sites quickly and accurately. Figure 2: Adopted from 'The National Methane Hydrates
Friday, September 27, 2019
Creative Process Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Creative Process - Research Paper Example Warhol gained a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1949 and went to New York right after his school days with the intention of working as a commercial artist. He became successful in his endeavor and thus begun his other works that made him famous, bringing out the genius in him not only with the camera and brush but included writing and sculpturing. His acquaintances with celebrities gave him the privilege of painting the famous during his time and were included in his subjects of interest. His list includes Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Elizabeth Taylor, Jackie Kennedy Onassis and Truman Capote, making them painted portraits which accelerated him to stardom, receiving commissions from wealthy socialites, musicians and film stars (Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh). Georgia O’Keeffe was trained by a grammar teacher to draw along with her sister in their early age and taught to paint by a local water color painter ( She we nt to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 1905 then continued her studies at the New York’s Art Student League in 1907 through a scholarship. Five years later, she taught at the Catham Episcopal Institute and later worked as a drawing supervisor in Texas. After years of teaching, she went back to her passion and started drawing using charcoal, sending some of her work to a friend who showed it to an acquaintance who appreciated her work and later became her husband, Alfred Stieglitz. This introduction begun her successful career as a painter which lasted through the years despite the challenges of her life like the death of her husband and her blindness brought about by old age. Despite these, she continued to paint and in the later part of her life, was assisted in her works due to her blindness. Ralph Vaughan Williams, a musician who made his first composition at the very young age of six showed signs of a genius with his work and his learning to play the piano, o rgan and violin as a child. At fifteen, he went to the Charterhouse then to the Royal college of Music to study composition from Hubert Parry and Charles Villiers Stanford, to Trinity College to read history and take his Bachelor of Music ( Later, he went to Paris for an intensive training with Ravel, being unsatisfied with his work â€Å"Toward the Unknown Region†despite its acclamation at the 1907 Leeds Festival. Ravel’s music most probably made the distinction in Williams’ music so that later, his teacher said that William did not play his music. On his return, the composer finally found himself, found what he wanted in his music and begun composing with his own style reflecting the Williams genius in him in full originality ( Writing runs in the blood of Robert Graves which is usually stressed by biographers, mentioning his great uncle, Leopold von Ranke who was a highly accomplished historian an d Richard Graves, a relative who wrote a novel successful in the 18th century. Through a scholarship, Robert went to Charterhouse after preparatory school where he began writing poetry, performing well enough academically and earned yet another scholarship to St. Johns College in Oxford. However, with the declaration of the war, he enlisted and joined the Royal Welsh
Thursday, September 26, 2019
History Analytical Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
History Analytical Paper - Essay Example Like an ass he is owned by several people including priests and legionnaires, in his adventures he hears many novel tales. At the end of the book with the intervention of a god, he is turned into a human and joins the Isis cult when he returns to his native Rome. Peter brown depicts the non-factious various escapades of Augustine in the Augustine of Hippo. While not as interesting or humorous as the golden hand, it delves on Augustine change in believing from a Christian by his mother’s influence to a Manichean and later to Christianity where until his death he was a doctor of the church. To contrast the two books is intriguing and interesting as they both arguably represent literarily classical that has defied time to be among the best reads even in the modern day despite having been based in the early centuries of classical civilization. In two separate journeys, we are taken through memorable adventures whose discoveries and its outcomes are more or less similar. The Golden Ass and Augustine of Hippo both explore various themes in their story lines. Religion can be described as a person’s personal spiritual belief various religions abound. The narrator in The Golden Ass is interested in magic his beliefs. His interest in magic results in him turning into an ass. In the golden ass magic is largely discussed, a tale of Thelyphron is told. As a student Thelyphron indulges in many wanderings and runs out of funds. He is enlisted to take care of a corpse in an area where there are many witches it is said that the corpse pieces of flesh from his ears and nose are taken by the witches and more baffling is the resurrection of the corpse to affirm widow’s guilt. Peter brown in the Augustine of hippo explores religion deeply too (Brown, 342). He delves into Augustine of hippo’s life in various from when he is a Christian to mechanism and back to Christianity. In his faith’s journey, he develops some beliefs regarding
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Alzheimer's disease market analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Alzheimer's disease market analysis - Assignment Example 5.1 people of the age above 65 have 3.2 million women affected and 1.9 being men. In United States, there are more non-Hispanic whites that live with the condition and other dementias that have the condition more than other race or ethnic group in United States 2. Older Hispanic and African-Americans are more likely to develop the condition as compared to other whites and dementias. Studies show that half of children whose parents are affected will develop the disease. The onsets of age for such families who develop the disease tend to be relatively low and are usually at the age of between 35 and 60. The onset in the families has been determined to be fairly constant. Children with Down’s syndrome will develop the disease when they are in the middle age though they may not display the full range of symptoms. Worldwide, the estimated population with the condition of Alzheimer’s or related dementia is nearly 44 million. In the population only 1 in 4 people with the condition have been diagnosed. The rate is in high increase where in 2030, the estimated population with the condition is expected to increase with nearly 76 million. Research shows that in nearly four seconds, there is development of a new case of dementia. Alzheimer and dementia is more common in Western Europe than in any part of the world. The region where the condition is less prevalent is in sub-Saharan Africa. Environment and activities that are carried out by an individual is much important as there are practices that accelerate the development of the condition. There has been a summary of the role of diet, disease and activities that potentially play a role in the onset of the disease. Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, smoking and dyslipidemia have been found to increase the risk of Alzheimer The factors that have portrayed reduction in the risk of getting the disease include Mediterranean diet as well as higher education 3. Mediterranean diet acts as an antioxidant and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Ethics as it pertains to Information Technology Essay
Ethics as it pertains to Information Technology - Essay Example The advantages outweigh the disadvantages; that is probably why individuals choose to overlook the problems associated with information technology (Henderson, 2005). This paper will examine one ethical issue that faces the information technology field, and if the problem can be rectified. All fields, in the world today, are faced with challenges that come with their territory. These problems arise as a result of negligence, or malpractice among members of the fields involved. Security among many computer-based information systems is questionable, but many individuals consider the field as the future of the modern world. The world cannot find a way to operate in modern time without these systems. If there is a failure in the controlling systems, the world might come to a standstill. However, the recent cases of insecurity that arise from information systems have had many folks question their role in the field of engineering (Henderson, 2005). People of certain ages, sex, race, or religion are being targeted, and it is causing unrest among individuals. The internet creates an avenue for various activities to take place. People responsible for monitoring the activities on the internet do not have control over what transpires over the internet. It is through this channel that many individuals take the time to find out about other individuals. Privacy contracts are being broken through professional hackers, and the information sold to the highest bidder. Online predators are among the most dangerous individuals of the technological era. They use this advancement in technology to ensure they find out about people they are targeting. The world has to face the fact that; everything is technological (Henderson, 2005). Everything is saved or computerised to save on time and manpower. The problem with this is the use of such information to satisfy the needs of predators. Predators come in many forms. Individuals are preying
Monday, September 23, 2019
WAN intranet Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
WAN intranet - Research Paper Example Companies with remote locations have started preferring using intranet instead of conventional network configurations because it is easier navigating the intranet than a Local Area Network (LAN). Thus, LANs are being replaced by LANs in progressive organizations. The users login to an internal site to carry out organizational chores, much like using a website. An intranet is just like an organization’s isolated internet. For a company that has numerous remote locations that need to be connected to the private network, remote-access, also called a Virtual Private Network (VPN), is implemented which is actually a user-to LAN connection. When a company has to implement an enormous remote-access, like that of 100 locations, the VPN has to be contracted out with an Enterprise Service Provider (ESP). This ESP will set up a network access server and will deliver desktop client software to the users at all the hundred remote locations, who then install it on their computers. This will be called the VPN client software. The users will then dial up a call to connect to a local Point of Presence (POP) of the ESP to eventually access the network access server and will use their VPN client software to get connected to the company’s private network after having themselves authenticated to the VPN server, where they can share the centralized database, carry out their web business, web meetings, and transfer information. The users are also able to access the centralized database because the installed intranet server enables fast and reliable access to database records by removing the need to replicate databases for separate clients at remote locations (Knight et al., 2005). VPN client is the calling router and the VPN server is the answering router. The VPN client software makes possible a safe and encrypted link between the company’s network and all the hundred remote locations via an intermediary third party. This connection is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Environmental History Essay Example for Free
Environmental History Essay During the last ice age, around 13,500 years ago, a number of people from other continents came to North America to find food. They have been able to walk across the Bering Land Bridge from Siberia and Alaska. This was likely possible because during that period the sea level were lower that it is today. The melting of the glaciers has cleared some passage for the Alaskan to spread and colonize areas throughout South America within the period of 1,000 years. In their conquest, these people had a major impact on the ecology and wildlife to which they have been destined. Studies on the archeological findings stated that prior to the coming of the early North Americans, the lands were covered with lush vegetation and large species of mammals and birds. The herbivores even included 3 species of elephants such as the woolly elephants, the giant mammoths and the mastodons. Such animals which are common were giant animals like bison, ground sloths, armadillos, beaver and tortoises. Giant predators also are preying on different herbivores. Such predators were the cheetahs, saber-toothed tigers, lions and giant wolves. Most of these large predators have migrated from the boreal forests of Canada to live in the forest of North America. Animal remains of these unimaginable sizes and power of these animals have been found but where and why these species have vanished is a questionable issue. Tim Flannery’s book The Eternal Frontier: An Ecological History of North America and Its Peoples concluded that during the coming of the early North Americans there was what he call the Pleistocene Overkill. He hypothesized that during the colonization of humans and reaching far across the continents, they almost wiped out large herbivores through hunting. Large animals were more noticeable thus making them prime targets. Their low reproductive rates cannot compensate for the losses because of frequent hunting. When these animals became extinct, their predators became extinct as well. The extinction of the predators made an impact in the extinction of large scavenger birds. Only animals which can prey on and frequent the oceans did not suffer high extinction rates during this time. (Moyle Orland, 2004). There are also evidences that the early North American people has manipulated their surroundings and that they have modified their environment as based on observation of settlers from Europe. The settlers have documented that Indians shaped their environment through the use of fire especially during the late summer to minimize the valley’s underbrush and reduce the number of trees. This is to facilitate hunting and do their gathering. While the American Indians are moving across seasonally while using fire for easy game hunting, the European settlers made themselves fences and farmhouses as well and bringing with them domesticated animals and crops. The Europeans however, have influenced some of the Indians to properly control or stop the use of fire and introduced to them the proper use of land use and establishing properties and boundaries for their domain (Northwest, 1998). Eyewitness accounts from the early European explorers, trappers, soldiers and missionaries affirmed that prior to their settlement the wilderness were not pristine but rather the product of remains of thousands of years of usage and management by Native Americans. The Native Americans’ management also has consequences on their ecosystems and one example is the extinction of most large mammal species in North America between 10,800 and 10,000 years ago. This is probably the result of hunting practices of Paleo-Indians as previously mentioned and with the effect of rapid environmental changes. Once again the setting of fires for hunting, land clearance, warfare and signaling as well as forest fires contributed to the degradation of forest and ecology in the pre-modern American era (Bonnicksen, 2000). Based from The Ecological Indian: Myth and History by Shepard Krech III, the Paleo-Indians had a great role in the extinction of animal species in North America. Krech believe that Paleo-Indians played great role in the Pleistocene extinctions about 11,000 years ago when many indigenous animal species in North America vanished. Severe climate changes however were also contributory to the extinctions of such animals. Krech uphold that there was actually human intervention in the exploitation and extinction of animals in that period because of two important evidence. Such were the findings of Paleo-Indian artifacts with the remains of extinct animals and the fact that there was already the extinction of animals before the arrival of European settlers in North America. Notably, the use of fire by the North American Indians was widespread as an important method for their subsistence. Fire is also used for communication, aggression and travel. Notably, vast tracts of forest lands were burned so that animals may move out and go to a place where they could be easily hunted. These aboriginals thus destroyed the habitats of elk, deer, buffaloes, wolves and beaver thus killing them for their meat and fur (Orton, 1999). At the time of the arrival of the Europeans, many Indians were already farmers. Farmers in the East and Southwest were raising corns, beans, pumpkins and squash which are necessary for their subsistence because five thousand years ago, agriculture was already a practice in America. By 1500, millions of acres of were already cleared and planted crops by the indigenous people. Furthermore, there was a constant set of fire to more hundreds of millions of acres to improve game habitat, clearance for travel, reduce insect pests and to enhance conditions to grow berries. Vast areas of forest landscape in the West and East and park-like open spaces are usually smoking with low-intensity fires. Even in New England, Indians burn their woods twice in a year. The frequent burning of forest has created wide open grasslands which were formerly forests. Such indication of human disturbances and alteration in the ecological system were the proliferation of game animals such as the wild turkeys, white-tailed deer, ruffled grouse and other species commonly live only on forest edges and openings. By the end of the early 1600s, bison were roaming the prairies in the south and reached as far as Far East (Maccleery, 1999). The migration of early European settlers to North America, however, has introduced the barter and trade practices with the Native Americans. One of the most earliest and important industries in that period was the fur trade. The fur trade industry has played a great factor in the development of America and Canada for more than three centuries. The trade began in the 1500’s as an exchange of goods between Indians and Europeans and other tools and weapons as well. The Beaver fur was the most valuable of all the furs being traded. The earliest traders of furs in North America were the French explorers and fishermen who came to a place which is now Eastern Canada. With the scarcity of fur-bearing animals particularly the beavers, North Americans and Eskimos set traps as far as Canada. British and French empires were set in America because of fur trade in the early 1600’s. The prospect of wealth with this venture has brought Europeans to the New World thus the establishment of many trading posts in the wilderness. As settlements grew, states were established and later became such major cities as Detroit, New Orleans, and St. Louis. While in Canada, Edmonton, Montreal, Quebec and Winnipeg were also established. Because of its promising wealth venture, the fur trade has created a conflict between France and Great Britain in the American land. There were rivalries over trading and alliances between Indian tribes and other traders. Hostilities however, were shown by other Indians toward white settlers because the settlers prevented the Indians from clearing the forest with burning thus preventing the production of fur-bearing animals. With such disproportionate conflict, border between the United States and Canada were formed. But in the 1700’s, the fur trade started to decline in the Eastern United States as a result from the clearing of large tracts of lands for settlement. As the clearings grew wider, fur-bearing animals increasingly became scarce as well which hurt the trade in the Western America and Western Canada. Silk was found to be an alternative for clothing and accessories when fur-trading was stopped by 1870’s (Stuart, 2007). In conclusion to this, as stated by Shephard Krech III on his Reflections on Conservation, Sustainability, and Environmentalism in Indigenous North America, he has his own debate if really the old North Americans are environmentalists, ecologists or conservationist. As he has mentioned other facts rather than being in assuring, enough evidence must be drawn to come up with more solid proof that indeed they were. However, there is more information and evidence that showed generally, they have not been properly treated their environment in the proper perspective because what they all need in that period was to survive in the midst of a dark and forested land. The American Indians of today, however, are one of the most visible groups in rallying for the preservation of their land, their domain and their culture as well.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Welcome Table by Alice Walker Essay Example for Free
The Welcome Table by Alice Walker Essay The Welcome Table is a short story written by Alice Walker. It is written in third person point of view. â€Å"The omniscient technique is used in this story and is particularly effective in allowing the reader to understand the old woman’s predicament and how she, and others, dealt with it†(Clugston, 2010). In this essay, I will explain the meaning of this story as well as the realities to racism and hate. The story begins by describing the elderly African-American woman. She was dressed in her Sunday church clothes that was old and falling apart. She had an old corsage pinned to her dress. The shoes she wore were high-heeled and polished. A silk scarf was used as a hair-band which was greasy from her oily pig-tails. Her aged eyes were blue-brown in color and were nearly blind. She was lean but old and wrinkled. Her skin was ashy. After walking many miles, she came upon a church. It was a white people’s church. She had walked alone to the big church. After walking a half a mile to the church, she was sweaty and clammy. She stopped on the steps of the church to rest before going inside. When she went into the church, the reverend stopped her. She brushed passed him and sat on the back bench. It was cold outside and near about just as cold inside the church. She sat there shivering from cold as everyone noticed as they went to sit up front. While everyone stared at her as if she was a piece of garbage, she sat there quietly. Some people spoke harsh words while others remained silent or felt sorry for her. Her appearance made some of the white people think of cooks, maids, and mistresses. Other people saw jungle orgies or â€Å"riotous anarchists looting and raping in the streets†(Clugston, 2010). Many thought Christian worship and the Holy Church was going to end. They saw an invasion of their privacy to worship. It made them furious as she sat there ignoring them. The usher called her â€Å"grandma†and told her that she should leave but she told him politely to â€Å"go away†. Finally, the white ladies made their husbands throw her out of the church. â€Å"Could their husbands expect them to sit up in church with that?†(Clugston, 2010). They referred to her as â€Å"that†as if she was an animal or trash. After getting her threw out of the church, the wives felt justified and the congregation started having church as they normally would. Outside, on the church steps, the poor old woman looked around as if in shock. She went back to singing in her head as she was before they threw her out, but this time it was a sad song. As she looked down the highway, she saw something amazing coming towards her. The frail old lady began to laugh and jump in joy. She saw Jesus walking in her direction. She mentions that he looked exactly like a picture she had stolen from a white lady’s Bible and hoped that he did not know she had stolen it. She waved her arms frantically, afraid that he might miss her. When Jesus got close to her, he asked her to â€Å"follow me†. As they walked, she told him past stories of her life and how she cooked, cleaned, and nursed the white people. She also told him of how they threw her from their church. As they were walking, she would sing from time to time. It seemed as if they were walking forever. None of the church people knew what had become of the old lady until later when they heard that an old black lady was found dead on the side of the road. As she had walked along the highway, many people saw her talking and making hand movements as if she was talking to someone. But, being that they saw no one other than her, they thought she had lost her mind. What they did not see was that Jesus was leading one of his soldiers home and she was talking to him. This story is a perfect example of racism and hate. It shows how many white people treated African-Americans. It is shocking to me that one human-being can treat another human-being with so much dislike and hatred. We are all God’s creatures and we should treat everyone with love as Jesus would. References Clugston, Wayne R. (2010). Journey into Literature. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Walker, A. (2003). THE WELCOME TABLE. Literary Cavalcade, 55(5),32.
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